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Horrible Weather!!!

wordwiz said:
The prognosticators are saying we are in for a very bad night, though all is calm at midnight.


I hear ya on that Mike. We are supposed to get hit hard here but so far just a few showers. Heavy stuff this morning though.

Man is it just me or does it rain EVERY DAY!!! It is absolutely pouring here again! Where is the damn sun?
JayT said:
Man is it just me or does it rain EVERY DAY!!! It is absolutely pouring here again! Where is the damn sun?

I hear you on that Jay. My plants are begging to get some sun and dry out. Yesterday wasn't bad but more rain today/into tomorrow.
The only good thing to come out of this is that I know that once it does get hot and sunny a HUGE growth spurt is bound to happen.
Well, I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised to wake up this afternoon and find that the sun was out. At first I thought I was still dreaming. It rained off and on all night last night and I went to bed while it was pouring.

I say bring on the warm sunny weather! Our plants could use that growth spurt that JayT was talking about.
Pepperfreak said:
Well, I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised to wake up this afternoon and find that the sun was out. At first I thought I was still dreaming. It rained off and on all night last night and I went to bed while it was pouring.

I say bring on the warm sunny weather! Our plants could use that growth spurt that JayT was talking about.

Nice to see you're getting some sun for a change. It was rain, wind or both here for a long while too. Now the sun and heat are here, the rain has vanished and it's time to drag out the soaker hose.

Mother Nature is very fickle this season, but the peppers will persevere. :hell:
Pepperfreak said:
Well, I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised to wake up this afternoon and find that the sun was out. At first I thought I was still dreaming. It rained off and on all night last night and I went to bed while it was pouring.

I say bring on the warm sunny weather! Our plants could use that growth spurt that JayT was talking about.

I was wondering what that ball of fire in the sky was. I thought it was the oddest looking raincloud I'd ever seen.
i went out and tied my fatalii to it's stake when that storm came through here...caught a cold or somthin from it, finally startin to feel a lil better today:(