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movies Horror movie fans unite!

List your favorite and or scariest horror movies. I have loved these since Monster Vision was on TNT late at night. Half of the 300+ dvds I own are horror. :)

Here is my top 10.

1) The exorcist-The scariest of all time and my number 1!
2) The Shining - Jack's performance is un-matched.
3) Halloween(original) - Halloween just wouldn't be the same without the slasher film with the same name.
4) Evil Dead II - Just awesomely awesome.
5) Dawn of the Dead (1978) - Have to have at least one zombie flick on here. Why not the best?
6) The Thing - Loved the way they use to make monsters. None of that CGI stuff back then.
7) Jaws - Like anyone could swim after this damn movie.......
8) The Omen - Old and new. Anything with the devil is pretty creepy
9) Poltergeist - Saw it as young kid. Has a special place as a classic.
10) The Ring - Yeah, I know. This one was just so refreshing when I first saw it. :) Loved it.

There ya go. Even if you don't like horror movies, let everyone know which ones scared you.
Don't have a particular order but gotta love jaws, Omen, evil dead one and two (two was piss funny) and gotta say the shining but I preferred the one that king made himself it stayed truer to the book (kubrick missed out so good stuff) still like kubrick's version because no one plays a mental like jack.
The first nightmare on elm street (all the others were garbage)
Zombies Dawn of the Dead

Don't think the exorcist deserves the title scariest film of all time, dunno but I just didn't rate it that much, I was actually disappointed by it to be honest
All the Evil Deads (including Army of Darkness)
Friday the 13th (The first 3)
Hallowe'en (original and Rob Zombie remake)
The Shining
Saw I
The Grudge
The Devil's Rejects
28 Days Later
Frailty (if you want to call that horror)
Pet Semetary
Snakes on a Plane (just kidding)!!
The shining is timeless with that eerie ambience

a couple others-
One Missed Call (original foreign)
Shutter (I saw remake first, thought it was great :)
1) The Exorcist- Saw it in 5th grade. Couldn't lay in bed at night without thinking my bed was shaking :evil:
2) Jaws- 5th grade. I can't go swimming in the ocean without worrying about whats underneath me :scared:
3) The Thing- Saw this one stoned outta my mind.. All time favorite movie. Not scary though :eh:
4) Carrie- Saw it in 5th grade.....Nuff said :shocked:
5) Phantasm- Saw in 7th grade. Again, baked to the gills. Not scary. Second best horror genre movie.
6) The Shining- 5th grade. Ghosts scared me more than Jack...He was actually pretty entertaining. :clap:
7) It's alive- Not scary to the bone..More of a Jump outta yer skin movie...I think I was 8... :think:
8) Sixth Sense- Awesome movie. M. Night's best.. Shouldn't have let my girlfriend watch this one. :rolleyes:
After watching 1,2,and 4, nothing seemed to get my adrenaline going.
Still waiting for another good one
Oh cool a horror movie thread!! My favorite genre of movie by far!!! I'm gonna name some less known ones in case someone is looking for new material to watch. There is no way I could pick a top 10 or anything like that lol....

Strangeland - Written by Dee Snider from Twisted Sister. He also stars in it as Capt Howdy.
Session 9 - Filmed at Danver's State Hospital. Gives it a genuine eerie feeling.
Sick Girl - Name pretty much says it all. This girl just ain't right.
Oldboy - While not totally a "horror" movie it is dark enough to keep you entertained. Very good movie.
Feast - Fun movie
Nightbreed - Classic horror from the 80s
Let the right one in - Very underrated vampire movie
Cannibal Ferox - Old school horror here and way over the top for its time.

Damn can't believe I forgot to list these....
Re-Animator series - Hp Lovecraft.. I love all his work
From Beyond - Another Hp classic
Ginger Snaps - This whole series is very good.
Great lists people!!! CCW you got Session 9! I found that gem one day back in high school and it is just awesome. very creepy. THe sessions that the guy were listening to on tape were just eerie. Love to see some enthusiasm about my favorite genre:)
You got some good taste guys. It's tough to make a top ten, but here are a few more that barely missed the list.
Any Japanese Gojira(Godzilla) movie.
The Hills Have Eyes - Either are great
Hellraiser-----Clive Barker at his most evil and creative
Aliens-better than the first imo.
High Tension aka the french movie- pretty gruesome movie that I found at blockbuster.
Stephen Kings IT-----Clown that was scarier than the ones from Killer Klowns from Outer Space(loved this movie too.
Dracula with Bela Lugosi - "Listen to them....Children of the night. What music they make." This quote still gets me.
The Mist - Just classicness all over. When they kill the religious lady.....awesome. The ending.....WTF. Loved it.
Amittyville Horror - Old and remake. Both good stuff imo.
Oh yeah!

Most of my fav's have been listed.
Grudge 1 and 2
The Ring
Wolf Creek
Suicide Club

Some Aussie ones:

Wolf Creek. Oh golly, don't park you car in the outback.

Razorback. Pigs can be scary too.
Peter Jackson's first movie Bad Tasteis kinda cool.

At the moment, I've stared watching a bit of J horror. Very cool stuff there.

I have been watching some of the 70's and 80's stuff too. Mainly because they are re-making a bunch of older ones, and I want to see the originals first! So for those looking for some to watch, here's a list
Last House on the Left (lock up your daughters!)
Children of the Corn (enjoy your 16th birthday!)
Wicker man (there's a reason no-one should be a 40 yr old virgin)
My Bloody Valentine (original much better)

Does Deliverance count as a horror?
Toothless hicks can be scary