Horse manure and hot peppers, Yeah or Neigh ?

Definitely don't use high nitrogen manures for peppers- such as rabbit, chicken or sheep. Nitrogen will cause all leaves and no flowers. Horse or cow manure that is well composted would be ok but not spread too thickly. If you use black plastic the peppers will grow great, conserve water and no weeds!
I would have to disagree. If mixed at the right quantity the smaller size manures are a great amendment to any soil mix . I recommend using aged sheep manure from personal experience. It encourages microbiological action within the soil is slow release and aids in both aeration and water/nutrient retention within the soil. It is especially good for sandy loam type soils. Just my opinion of course
is it aged "sheep manure" or "aged sheep" manure? ;) :rofl:

personally my poultry is giving a lot of stuff to pu in the compost bin... but since it was winter the composting effetc was not active... with the heat creeping up might start again soon! i will prabably use composted and uncomposted chicken poop directly in the soil!

will try to make 2 zone to see the difference it might do.
I would have to disagree. If mixed at the right quantity the smaller size manures are a great amendment to any soil mix . I recommend using aged sheep manure from personal experience. It encourages microbiological action within the soil is slow release and aids in both aeration and water/nutrient retention within the soil. It is especially good for sandy loam type soils. Just my opinion of course

Yeah, and technically rabbit should be instantly usable, IME.