Horseradish Anyone?

Looks awesome. I love some horseradish. Not to hijack your topic but is it true that you can't harvest horseradish the first year you plant it?

Leave it alone the first year (learned from an earlier bad experience of not being patient). Second year, 25% pick although the roots will be rather slender. Third and thereafter, you will have roots the size in AJ's pic. My patch has now spread to about a 6 ft. square area, i kinda poke through it with a garden trowel to find the biggest roots to pick, usually do not exceed 50% of what's growing. Also, I do not pick until after the first hard frost in the late fall. Grandfather told me that it makes the horseradish taste better; don't know if there is any fact to this but it's what I do because he told me to. Provides all I need for a year's supply for personal use and to give away during the holidays. Horseradish really seems to loose it zip after one year of storage.