Hortilux super HPS lamp

An expensive bulb to say the least. Where peppers are concerned, would this bulb really make any noticeable difference and if so, In what way?
vs. the less expensive bulbs of course.
I have never used that specific bulb but I can say I have used a no name bottom shelf HPS bulb and a top shelf brand HPS bulb in many previous grows for my tomatoes , cucumbers and my dwarf meyer lemon...I seriously didn't notice any remarkable difference between the more expensive bulbs and the "cheaper" bulbs...to warrant spending more money that is...I also havnt grown peppers with HPS though, and that is a big "yet" cause I will be real soon when I finish building my DIY DWC hydro system, and will be in a grow tent using a 600w bottom shelf HPS bulb...FWIW....
I like sp33d on this one.  I've used cheaper digilux and genesis bulbs, as well as Eye Hortilux Blue MH and HPS bulbs.  I didn't notice a difference in growth, but what I did notice was how much longer the more expensive bulbs last.  The digilux and cheaper brand bulbs are cheaper because the manufacturers intend on you replacing them more often.  I know guys that replace digilux bulbs every 3 months, even though some say they'll last a year.
You can't go wrong with either one.  If you buy a cheaper one, just expect it to go out a little earlier than the more expensive bulbs.  Your plants won't know the difference.
I bought 2 of them 1000 watts off Craigslist last year for cheap $40 for both. I bought them because I needed new bulbs and they were dirt cheap and new. I did not notice a difference in them vs the cheap bulbs.
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
I bought 2 of them 1000 watts off Craigslist last year for cheap $40 for both. I bought them because I needed new bulbs and they were dirt cheap and new. I did not notice a difference in them vs the cheap bulbs.
Man, that was a steal!
Those same bulbs go for 129.00 ea where I got my lighting system.
queequeg152 said:
the Phillips double ended bulbs are the only bulbs worth spending 100+ bucks on from what i recall reading.
What makes them worth $100.00 if none of the others are,or there is no difference from one bulb to the next?
the double ended bulbs, from what i recall reading, had a significantly higher output. 
they were something like 20% over the hortilux's... when driven by those gavita ballasts anyway. 

HP22BH said:
What makes them worth $100.00 if none of the others are,or there is no difference from one bulb to the next?
 i wouldnt say there is no diff... just not a enough to merit the cost. you can get a mogul socket bulb for like 7 bucks.
even the double ended bulbs... i suppose you could argue they are not worth it either.
A lot of the differences in the bulbs. Is their color spectrum more than anything.
Hortilux have a great spectrum. That's why they are pricey.
hogleg said:
A lot of the differences in the bulbs. Is their color spectrum more than anything.
Hortilux have a great spectrum. That's why they are pricey.
What does that mean to the chili grower? If anything at all.
Kapten Capsaicin said:
There is no reason to buy expensve HPS lamps when CMH lamps gives you a better spectrum for much less.
last i checked CMH bulbs are very expensive, and low wattage.

i considered a trio of 75w CMH fixtures once, for a living room with like a 15' vaulted ceiling. the bulbs were quite pricy,
and their efficiency was also pretty damn low, 70ish LPW? it was like around what a high quality florescent ballast can give.

CMH lighting is gerogous, IMO probably the best lighting for landscape/outdoor lighting period, right now atleast.

do they even make CMH bulbs over 400w yet?

but ill take wattage+ efficiency anyday.
with respect to starting plants... i dont think that the emphasis on color quality yields anything other than marginal results.
where as a more efficient bulb, as HPS can get over 100LPW, will yield more light with less heat etc. the result of this is less than marginal.

growing a plant out to fruition, is another story, and something ive done under HPS, bot not a halide, so IDK perhaps its worth it in that case.
Yeah, I disagree as well. Phillips has an amazing looking 315 that hit the market this year or last. If I had cash out the ass I'd buy them up, they aren't cheap and the equipment is highly specific. Add shipping and a transformer, unless you have an abundance of 240v.
= Awesome
Watt for warr, I can walk down to a grow store, and for 1/3 the price, walk out with a ballast, 1000w Horti Eye and mogul, get home and cadge some wiring together.
Queequeg, there is the Phillips 860. 315 has better specs, and you could double end them into super bulbs. At least that's the plan after I rob the bank.
If you can't tell, I linked to my favorite new website a few times XD
Blot. Wrong link/hypothesis.
Comparative Study of Color, Pungency, and Biochemical Composition in Chili Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Under Different Light-emitting Diode Treatments
Full text of a study I previously linked to
Anatomical Features of Pepper Plants (Capsicum annuumL.) Grown under RedLight-emitting Diodes Supplemented with Blue or Far-red Light
At least supports using mixed lighting for higher capsaicin.
860 watts, wow. never seen that. 92cri too. Not that i even know what CRI really is...

what do you mean by double end them tho? like with the phillips HPS bulbs? or... put two in one fixture?

probably the coolest thing about the CMH bulbs is all the lovely small wattage's they make. they even make some par reflector bulbs for down lights, tracks, can lights etc.
Whoops, I meant stacked.
Jesus, I almost resorted to using Paint after wasting so much time filtering through all the "before house fire" pics. Some people are just special...