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bottling Hot Bottling expansion problem

Hi, I hot bottling using an handy filler with the sauce between 180f and 200f in woozy bottle. My problem is that when I bottling I full the bottle entirely but when it cool down I ended with all the neck empty, I know that liquid expand when heat but its a problem because my bottles are not full like I would like, I would like to have half the neck empty but not all the neck.
Do you have this problem?
I had that problem on some of my sauces when I was making test batches because I blended the daylights out of it to make it smooth and it filled with air.  So if you are blending too long that could be the problem.  My solution was to let it sit for at least 30 minutes while some of the air released and then reheat and bottle.  Check your blender graduation marks and if it’s at 32 oz. when you start and 36 oz. when you finish, then you have 4 oz. of air in the sauce.  Of course this is probably only doable for small hobby shopping.
Good point! Its a carrot based sauce and I have to blend it very long, I make 25 gallons batch and have to blend it 30 minutes to have a nice texture. I will try to let it sit longer and then reheat before bottling. I will try it tomorrow, thanks for the input!!
I've had trouble with the handy filler leaking air into the line.  I can't remember if the fittings were too loose or too tight around the duck seals.  Blendering is also a likely culprit as PepperDaddy described. 
And when you use a cork to seal a bottle when it is hot, then remove it when it is cool BOOM reverse explosion sends hot sauce all over your hand!
good to hear!  Glad you got it sorted out.