food Hot Marmalade Jam

Got so happy doing up concentrates today that I tried my 3rd batch of what I shall call Hot Marmalade Jam, for want of a better name. It started out as a salsa, but the vinegar was all wrong for the lemon drop flavor. The next batch had way too much orange (with pulp) in it. But this one, this one is close...

6 dried apricots, sliced
6 hot lemon peppers (or aji lemon, limon, fatalii or whatever you want to use)
pinch of allspice
pinch of ginger powder
pinch of salt (maybe leave this out next time?)
lots of sugar (of your choice) and/or honey
orange juice and lemon juice in about a 3:1 ratio until liquidity is right

throw it in blender, taste, add more sugar if needed then simmer for a bit

Yeah, I'm real vague on measurements right now since I'm still working on very small test batches. Just trying to get the right ingredients and ratios. I'll worry about adding pectin or something later too.

This is going in the fridge for breakfast bagels tomorrow:

And today's breakfast... toasted honey wheat bagel, margarine (sorry no cream cheese on hand) and my salsa/jam:


At first I thought: not hot enough, but then it started to build to a nice finish. And I do like to pile it deep so maybe milder is better for now. The consistency was good when cold and I probably won't need pectin especially if I sub honey for some of the sugar.

Overall, I'm quite happy with my third try at this. Next time I'll do real measurements instead of ad libs.