Hi all,
Just today I received a mix box of hot chiles from Baker's Peppers and I can't wait to use them. I'm baking some chicken now and I'm wondering if I should try to make a reduction sauce with one of the peppers in my box. Has anyone done this? If so, how did it turn out?
I know I've got some chocolate habs and a red trinidad here. I tried figuring out the rest, but then I got impatient and am decided to just dive right in.
Which one of these chiles do you think would go best with chicken? If the food turns out good, I'll post the recipe. Thanks!
Just today I received a mix box of hot chiles from Baker's Peppers and I can't wait to use them. I'm baking some chicken now and I'm wondering if I should try to make a reduction sauce with one of the peppers in my box. Has anyone done this? If so, how did it turn out?
I know I've got some chocolate habs and a red trinidad here. I tried figuring out the rest, but then I got impatient and am decided to just dive right in.
Which one of these chiles do you think would go best with chicken? If the food turns out good, I'll post the recipe. Thanks!