Hot Peppers Cooking Measurement Conversion Charts

I tried to get a shorter title but failed .
Here on the southern tip of Africa we are still shaking off the last Cold fronts of winter and trying to get our plants up and going. First ripe pods at least 6 weeks away.
This week I started digging in my powders and frozen mash from 2-3 seasons ago to make some sauce , but I don't have any ideas of the quantities ! I have no idea how many Trinidad Scorpions it takes to make a cup of powder. How many Chocolat Habaneros in 500 grams of frozen mash?
For example;( not accurate)
Moruga scorpion pods;  average weight per pod = 30 grams
                                           200 grams fresh= 80 grams dried
                                            100grams of dried powder = 20 pods
Reaper :  500grams of mash = 100 pods 
Maybe not a discussion thread , just post your knowledge and personal findings.
Thank you .
I think a great place to start would be the fresh to dry conversion... But i wonder if it will carry a lot better different varieties.

Only one way to find out, i guess. I just had a bunch of pods smoked at the local bbq hut. Now i really wish we'd done some before/after weights.
I agree... If you're trying to make food with easily replicated results, weight is the only way to go.

If you enjoy just winging it and you don't care about a lil variation each batch, counting pods is a good way to go...
Walchit said:
I know the guys on the growdown were saying yellow brainstrain were averaging 20g per pod
I could be wrong, but I think that was for the bigger pods. I know my 20ish g pod was the biggest on the plant by far and I thing guru's 19g pods were also on the larger side.
i don't find it helpful to think of recipes in terms of number of pods. weight is the only useful thing.
some conversions are valuable though depending on what you're working with. i've never dried pods, but i could see the 90% water content thing being true. i was expecting them to have a little less water than that actually, but ime mushrooms are about 90% water as well.
also, i store peppers in the fridge whole and with stems, but if i can't use them in time, i cut them in half and scrape out some of the seeds before freezing.
i try to record the orig weight as well as the de-stemmed&de-seeded weight (a real example: 374g chocolate habs turned into 307g).
for actual recipe recording, my standard is usually de-stemmed&de-seeded weight.