making-powder hot sauce and powder package

i got a knock at the door the other day and found a package from itburns, rawkstah, rhody, geeme, jayt and justaguy
well here is what i got all i can say is thank you so much guys
Glad they made it safe and sound. Enjoy them and the powders. ItBurns deserves a good thanks for putting it all in motion.
color me jealous! I missed the party on this one, but you look pretty flush with awesome sauces there - I have several of those in my fridge right now. the two I'm missing look awesome (especially the fatalii)

Pepper people rock. :woohoo:
thanks again guys i have tried them all deff have some fav ones that i will have to get more of
got a few mates to try them as well one of them not liking spicy food etc tried one sauce 4 times he liked it that much