Hot Sauce Daily reviews Sweet Spicy Girl

Hot Sauce Daily posted a review of my Sweet Spicy Girl hot sauce. A HUGE thank you to Brian & Marilyn Meagher of Hot Sauce Daily!
Good review, David, They nailed Sweet Spicy Girl perfectly.
ETA - just ordered some. I love mild flavorful sauces. Glad you posted the review Davez - this one was on my (ever-growing) list of "next sauces" and this was a good reminder.
congratulations on getting a very nice review. i've had the pleasure of experiencing Sweet Spicy Girl and loved it. nicely done.
I received my Sweet Spicy Girl yesterday and I have to say - I'm a fan. Excellent product Davez! I really like the consistency and flavor - the bits of pepper in it add a nice texture and it's a really good complimentary sauce for all kinds of foods. Very versitile, and quite delicious. It has just enough kick from the acids to be "snappy" but not so much that it dominates at all - in fact it's quite subtle. The heat level is (for me) about a 3.5 to 4/10, and flavor is right in my wheelhouse as I love savory sauces.

Thanks again - great shipping, great customer service and a great product. :cheers: