Ok I had an Hot sauce EXP..
I had a friend at work that would eat Jalapenos with lunch every day. He would not fail I come to work and he would eat peppers with his lunch so I started to try them, well I started buying different peppers and betting Juan he couldn't eat them. Habaneros, little green and red Asian ones.. hot peppers they were and he could eat them no problem, so I go to searching I get on eBay and buy blairs 3am.
I anxiously await my package i get it one hour before I go to work.. well there was some spicy to mild red chills' on the window seal of the kitchen, I wanted to soke in the death sauce.. but I didn't have time.. so off to work I go happy that I have the sauce but no delivery, on my way I pass Walgreens im like "hmmmm" Hypo Needle time.
I go into the store and go to the pharmacy and ask to buy a Needle, nervously I feel like they think im a druggy or something but the lady hands it over... so I run out to my single cab truck.. open my 3am .. and im sitting there pouring it into the back of the needle.. I am going to inject the little Chile at the very Tip of it with 3am.. and fill it full, almost busting juicy. So Now I have like ten minutes until im supposed to be at work, and I have to be there I was A QC guy on a machinist line.
So with my Chile in one hand and the syringe full of 3AM in the other, I carefully find the tip of the Chile, gently shove it in not to disturb or mutilate the pepper. I need it to look tasty and innocently un hot.
I start the down stroke on the plunger of the syringe. All I can feel is building pressure, the chilies is not growing the sauce is not flowing so I press harder.. but to know avail it not working, well I take it out of the Chile and my curiosity on WTF .. why wont it work ... I guess its to thick ... so I start to push harder, just to see if I could at least a drop to appear so I push a little harder .. a little harder .. a little harder then all of the sudden I feel a grand release, and explosion of sorts..
As I blink I feel liquid on my face.. I smell a slight hint of heat, my front wind shield is covered my steering wheel is cover and my passenger window is covered in a Light orange Death sauce designed for pain.. but that's not the worst as I have this on every spot of exposed skin I am wondering why my Leg hurts. I look down and I have the screw able tip of the Hypodermic Needle sticking out of my leg with a bulls eye of sauce around the entry wound .. OHM S@#$ I said to my self it was painful.. I wasn't sure if I contaminated my blood or if I was even going to be ok I dident want to call any one and tell them .. what i had done to my self, Ouch..
Well I am on fire, late to work..prolly dieing .. death sauce everywhere.. I grab an extra shirt .. trying to clean this oily sauce up .. that even when clean will still bite you later... but that's another story.. I am not giving up....I now know just a little bit more about needles..
I go back into Walgreens with red spots on my face .. burning eyes.. walk to the pharm .. and ask for a Needle that doesn't come off at the top and has a really freaking big hole.. she pulls a BD from behind the counter that looks to be the winner.. I rush back to my death truck .. open my death door .. open my death sauce and grab my death Chile ... fill my death syringe .. test out a drop... Eureka... its working I insert it into the same hole I had already made ..it was bigger but not too much.. and as I push the plunger I see the Pepper expand,, Yes... buuhaawhhaa. I am hurting of course.. but happy none the less...
So im late I speed off to work... burning as I go .. only with one glorious thought, of betting Juan Ten bucks... I get there and hurry up and do the work that was waiting for me .. then I find Juan.." Hey Juan I have a pepper, that I bet you cant eat and not drink anything for 3 minutes" and with a smile he said OK... I pulled the pepper out of the bag, and hand it to him, now keep in mind were in a machine shop.. and the floor is dirty and wet from coolant.. as he holds the pepper he squeezes it and says JUICY.. im like YEP.. then all of the sudden he dropped it onto the floor between a nasty grate.. in My mind I was LIKE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I thought all was lost. Well he bent down picked it up and took the low pressure air .. and blew it off.. popped it into his mouth .. ohh and I made him chew it... .. He look at me and smiled and said.. one word .. Sweet.. .. he was telling me it was sweet.. he ate it swallowed it .. and said it was sweet.. something was wrong.. but then .. ohh yes then .. a scream of profanity like no other came with out warning followed by a furiously, fleeting, water seeking friend I call Juan .. .I had never seen him run Until this day.. and He ran fast.. to where I don't know .. there is no calm for his pain .. water has no soft touch... just the brilliance of fire to look forward to for the next 30 minutes.. All in all I started to feel bad.... but then flashed back to my truck ride and said Nahhh.. and Laughed inside.. I still don't know who got the worst deal out of it.
I had a friend at work that would eat Jalapenos with lunch every day. He would not fail I come to work and he would eat peppers with his lunch so I started to try them, well I started buying different peppers and betting Juan he couldn't eat them. Habaneros, little green and red Asian ones.. hot peppers they were and he could eat them no problem, so I go to searching I get on eBay and buy blairs 3am.
I anxiously await my package i get it one hour before I go to work.. well there was some spicy to mild red chills' on the window seal of the kitchen, I wanted to soke in the death sauce.. but I didn't have time.. so off to work I go happy that I have the sauce but no delivery, on my way I pass Walgreens im like "hmmmm" Hypo Needle time.
I go into the store and go to the pharmacy and ask to buy a Needle, nervously I feel like they think im a druggy or something but the lady hands it over... so I run out to my single cab truck.. open my 3am .. and im sitting there pouring it into the back of the needle.. I am going to inject the little Chile at the very Tip of it with 3am.. and fill it full, almost busting juicy. So Now I have like ten minutes until im supposed to be at work, and I have to be there I was A QC guy on a machinist line.
So with my Chile in one hand and the syringe full of 3AM in the other, I carefully find the tip of the Chile, gently shove it in not to disturb or mutilate the pepper. I need it to look tasty and innocently un hot.
I start the down stroke on the plunger of the syringe. All I can feel is building pressure, the chilies is not growing the sauce is not flowing so I press harder.. but to know avail it not working, well I take it out of the Chile and my curiosity on WTF .. why wont it work ... I guess its to thick ... so I start to push harder, just to see if I could at least a drop to appear so I push a little harder .. a little harder .. a little harder then all of the sudden I feel a grand release, and explosion of sorts..
As I blink I feel liquid on my face.. I smell a slight hint of heat, my front wind shield is covered my steering wheel is cover and my passenger window is covered in a Light orange Death sauce designed for pain.. but that's not the worst as I have this on every spot of exposed skin I am wondering why my Leg hurts. I look down and I have the screw able tip of the Hypodermic Needle sticking out of my leg with a bulls eye of sauce around the entry wound .. OHM S@#$ I said to my self it was painful.. I wasn't sure if I contaminated my blood or if I was even going to be ok I dident want to call any one and tell them .. what i had done to my self, Ouch..
Well I am on fire, late to work..prolly dieing .. death sauce everywhere.. I grab an extra shirt .. trying to clean this oily sauce up .. that even when clean will still bite you later... but that's another story.. I am not giving up....I now know just a little bit more about needles..
I go back into Walgreens with red spots on my face .. burning eyes.. walk to the pharm .. and ask for a Needle that doesn't come off at the top and has a really freaking big hole.. she pulls a BD from behind the counter that looks to be the winner.. I rush back to my death truck .. open my death door .. open my death sauce and grab my death Chile ... fill my death syringe .. test out a drop... Eureka... its working I insert it into the same hole I had already made ..it was bigger but not too much.. and as I push the plunger I see the Pepper expand,, Yes... buuhaawhhaa. I am hurting of course.. but happy none the less...
So im late I speed off to work... burning as I go .. only with one glorious thought, of betting Juan Ten bucks... I get there and hurry up and do the work that was waiting for me .. then I find Juan.." Hey Juan I have a pepper, that I bet you cant eat and not drink anything for 3 minutes" and with a smile he said OK... I pulled the pepper out of the bag, and hand it to him, now keep in mind were in a machine shop.. and the floor is dirty and wet from coolant.. as he holds the pepper he squeezes it and says JUICY.. im like YEP.. then all of the sudden he dropped it onto the floor between a nasty grate.. in My mind I was LIKE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... I thought all was lost. Well he bent down picked it up and took the low pressure air .. and blew it off.. popped it into his mouth .. ohh and I made him chew it... .. He look at me and smiled and said.. one word .. Sweet.. .. he was telling me it was sweet.. he ate it swallowed it .. and said it was sweet.. something was wrong.. but then .. ohh yes then .. a scream of profanity like no other came with out warning followed by a furiously, fleeting, water seeking friend I call Juan .. .I had never seen him run Until this day.. and He ran fast.. to where I don't know .. there is no calm for his pain .. water has no soft touch... just the brilliance of fire to look forward to for the next 30 minutes.. All in all I started to feel bad.... but then flashed back to my truck ride and said Nahhh.. and Laughed inside.. I still don't know who got the worst deal out of it.