Hot Sauce n Expiration Date

Just read an article about how multi thousand year old cheese, found in a tomb, was found safe to eat.  Really kind of makes a guy go ... yuck
Looked at some of my bottles of things I have purchased.  Things from the farmers market that are not commercial mostly follow the local guide lines for an expiration date.  Seems to be a year.  Things I have ordered online, some have expiration dates, some do not, some have what I think is some sort of code.  Looking at things from the grocery store, they have expiration dates but some of them are best if used by sort of things.

Is there a hard rule for industry to put an actual expiration date on hot sauce?  Not a best if used by date, but a do not eat this or you might die sort of thing?  If not, should there be or are the other rules for production good enough to be just about infinitely shelf stable?