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hot sauce on fox news.com

Mixing extract and extract sauces in one article as though they're the same thing. Can't say I approve.
Nor can I say I've tried any of those but the 3AM reserve (it's what you'd expect) but I really doubt the black mamba is the hottest sauce, assuming you even consider something so non-liquid to be a sauce in the first place. The stuff I tried recently had 9 million extract as its main ingredient and 13 million to back it up and still only felt like about 3 million so I really doubt a "sauce" that's primarily habanero and uses nothing above 6 million could even come close to its 2.5 million claims.
Then again, this is fox, they probably took a few bribes and didn't look very hard.
Spicefreak, I think the SHU on most hot sauces is bs.  As I understand it, SHU is a measurement of a dry substance.  I think you would dehydrate it, measure it, and then divide that back out into the original volume.  Willing to bet they skip the division part.
ajdrew said:
Seems like there are more and more mainstream articles on hot foods every day.
red lobster is advertising ghost pepper shrimp now. hmm.  highly unlikely real ghost pepper. my have to give them a try
ajdrew said:
Spicefreak, I think the SHU on most hot sauces is bs.  As I understand it, SHU is a measurement of a dry substance.  I think you would dehydrate it, measure it, and then divide that back out into the original volume.  Willing to bet they skip the division part.
I'm not sure many of them bother to divide TBH.
rickster said:
red lobster is advertising ghost pepper shrimp now. hmm.  highly unlikely real ghost pepper. my have to give them a try
Most restaurant chains in america use real ghost pepper in their ghost pepper dishes, from what I understand, just in miniscule quantities such that it's still edible by the general public.
spicefreak said:
I'm not sure many of them bother to divide TBH.
Most restaurant chains in america use real ghost pepper in their ghost pepper dishes, from what I understand, just in miniscule quantities such that it's still edible by the general public.
true, has to have some amount of ghost pepper in it. but that's where the deceiving part comes in. people try it as their first time trying a ghost and say " that wasn't that hot". little do they know
what it should be like.
Yea, these SHUs are meaningless. For the Get Bitten, it's made with 6 million SHU extract, that isn't the final SHU of the sauce. And for The Second Dimension, the whole thing about 40 pounds of ghosts per batch is not useful information unless we know how big the batch is. But hey, this sort of thing generates broader interest for the industry so it isn't all bad. Part of me would love to see some standardization in SHU reporting but I figure it'd be more trouble than it's worth.
Sriracha is not hot, even compared to Encona. I can certainly see where the writer's coming from with "tinny" but that's more a salted garlic flavour really. Can't fault her brand choice, mind.
A good rose harissa should actually taste slightly of rose to round out the flavour, it's both quite descernable and  quite a lovely addition to the paste, unlike rose in anything else IMO.
Dried moruga scorpions are not sweet, even initially, but maybe fresh are different, can't say I've tried them.
All in all, not bad though.
Great to see the pepper/spicy food/hot sauce industry getting more and more publicity. Some of these hot sauces are way too hot!