• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

hot-sauce Hot sauce with THC

salsalady said:
In regards to making recreational edibles in WA....
The processor has to have a completely separate and secure kitchen facility that meets all WSDA regulations for a commercial kitchen, no co-mingling.  In other words, I can't use my exisitng kitchen to make cannabis products and regular hot sauces.  It has to be one or the other.  If it is a cannabis kitchen, it has to be completely secure and locked at all times, trackable locks on the doors, complete 100% video coverage of every inch of the kitchen (no dark spots), all points of entry have to have video inside and out. 
All the products have to be tested for THC content and there are strict limits as to how much can be in an item.  Which means...you can't just make a batch of canna-butter and then whip up some brownies.  The cannabutter has to be tested for THC content and then the batch adjusted accordingly with regular butter so as to not exceed THC content.  Which means, every batch of butter has to be sent to the lab.....
I suppose one could buy some kind of THC extract with a given THC content, and then use that in hot sauce.  Never tried it, but it obviously works somehow.
I think regs for medical products are a LOT looser or non-existent as those products go through private dispensaries with minimal oversight. 
Oh, and once the product is made it has to be stored under lock and key, and it also has to be transported in a lockable container/footlocker/whatever that is permanently fastened to the vehicle.  :rolleyes:
Pex~ make sure you know what is required.  It's pretty expensive to get set up. No shared use/community kitchen, LCB licensing is at least $1000 if WA is even accepting new applications (I don't think they are).
JeffH--- :rofl:  crack me up!
sounds like liquid gold  :high:
salsalady said:
Recreational novelty?  Yea~
Yeah, but with substantial overhead to make it. And the customer base is limited to people who live in states with recreational laws (all 2 of them), and then the % of those customers who enjoy spicy food (possibly slightly higher than the ~35% of the regular population) and even then, it's quite the novelty item. 
Because let's keep it real here - weed food tastes like weed, which, to put it mildly, is not always what one would describe as a desirable note on the palate. :rofl: Having eaten my fair share of edibles, I can attest to this. 
And since it wouldn't be "medicine", one would basically be competing against the thousands of delicious hot sauces on the market that don't have that funky taste. 
So then it begs the question: why not just smoke a joint / vape / bowl / bong / hookah / pipe / spliff / 4/20 – 4:20 / bake /  blaze / burn / fire it up / get blazed / get high / get right / hotbox / load a fat one / poke smot / puff / smoke out / smoke up / spark it up / toke/ torch up or wake and bake and then eat some delicious sauce? 
Sort of like bacon-flavored stuff. Bacon is neither a rare commodity nor difficult to prepare. And nothing bacon-flavored will ever taste as good as real bacon.
So why mix the two if it's for recreational purposes?  Get high ~~> eat quality hot sauce that doesn't have that wonky pot-flavor. Easy. :dance:
Smoke a joint and have your own THC free hot sauce on your munchies.......then your covered.