food Hot Vodka

ive always wanted to write to mythbusters and have them do a show on the myth of milk is better than cold water to reduce the heat of pepper or hot sauces.
bubbaschili said:
ive always wanted to write to mythbusters and have them do a show on the myth of milk is better than cold water to reduce the heat of pepper or hot sauces.
They don't need to, that one is fact. There is a chemical in milk (casein) that breaks the chemical bonds of capsaicin.
is there really such a thing as "bad" alcohol

With Vodka, usually it's just comes down to smoothness and how easy it goes down....for example i can take a sip(or a chug;) ) of kettel one and it's super smooth...but i can't do that to the cheap stuff because it makes me's just too harsh
imaguitargod said:
They don't need to, that one is fact. There is a chemical in milk (casein) that breaks the chemical bonds of capsaicin.

i agree with ya..i just feel like it would be a funny show to see the 2 mythbuster getting burned.

they could do like 5 or 6 diffent things
cold water
cold beer
We have found that straight white table sugar is BY FAR the best antidote for killing the hot. Works every time, and only takes 10 seconds or so.
DEFCON Creator said:
We have found that straight white table sugar is BY FAR the best antidote for killing the hot. Works every time, and only takes 10 seconds or so.
I'm going to have to try that. But it does stand to reason. The original Schoville test was with water and sugar to dilute the heat...
The is good reasoning behind it. Capsaicin and simple sugars have a quite strong atomic bond. When it enters your mouth, the sugar is basically put into solution, and the capsaicin crystal falls to the bottom of your tastebunds, making you feel happy. Since it has been stripped of his sugar buddy, and you fill your mouth with a whole bunch of new friends, our friend Mr. Cap, seeking friendship, jumps out of your tastebud forest and joins another sugar, and is then swept away into the bowels of Hydrochloric Hell. That sounded a lot better than an actual clinical breakdown, now didn't it?
My new favorite Vodka is Hangar One. A bartender friend says " have you tried this?" I say "I haven't drank vodka straight for a few years" He pours me a glass and on the way home I'm stopping at the liquor store.
With gin?

I wonder how this would work with gin, as I always use gin when making bloody mary! :hell: In fact, legion has it that the "original" bloody mary was made with gin - - - - but that is probably an "arguement" for another thread!!!:(
darthcarl said:
as if on cue, August Chile Pepper magazine has a bloody mary article.

Just been looking at this magazine, as it's international I'd have to pay for can anyone tell me if it's any good. Does it just focus on American Chilli (ie Chilli Con Carne, Texas Chilli etc) or international chilli recipes?
buggedcom said:
Just been looking at this magazine, as it's international I'd have to pay for can anyone tell me if it's any good. Does it just focus on American Chilli (ie Chilli Con Carne, Texas Chilli etc) or international chilli recipes?

Chile Pepper magazine (if that's the one you are talking about) is about all things chile not necessarilly chili. In the US the food is spelled chili and the pepper is spelled chile. I't a good read most of the time.

Wow look a Tina Brooks sighting! I would have thought IGG would have dug this one up...
i will help bring it up again as

add peppers to vodka... works well

but my choice is buying one prepeppered if that is a

this is choice right now.. vodka tastes pleasant and it burns

I've got a recipe for distilling your own Hot Pepper finishes at around 170 proof and you proof it down to about 100-120 proof. It has a very good hot pepper, lime flavor to absolutely perfect in a Hot Bloody Mary