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hot-sauce Hotternell Habanero Hot Sauce

Hotternell is a Canadian and well worth keeping an eye on.

This Sauce is a nice thick tomato pastey looking concoction.

Muso's labels scream "this is homemade"! It's got a pretty funky looking little devil-like critter walking on flames. And it says HOT!!

The ingredients are: Red Habanero Pepper, Apple, Distilled Vinegar, Salt.

It's got a distinctly apple vinegar scent about it, and oh! it is hot.

The simplicity of this sauce comes through, and I think perhaps the taste of the apple isn't what the nose promises, but the flavour of the Red Habs is clean. I really like that in a sauce.

Nice burn.

Good job on the heat, Mike... see if you can get the apple flavour a little stronger on the next batch. I can see this marinating pork ribs or a standing rib roast quite nicely.

I have it sitting here on my desk waiting for me to write my review... That and about 25 other sauces!

Fwiw, I just ordered another bottle of his red savina sauce, AKA Magma, for a friend of ours.
