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Hottest wings in Houston

This is in the same vein as Heersink's thread, but I didn't want to hijack it.

I was wondering what those in the Houston area think are the hottest and/or best tasting wings in town? I'm on a forever quest to find something better and would love some suggestions.

My current #1 are Braveheart wings from Wild Wing Cafe in Katy (Westgreen and I10). They can vary in heat from day to day depending on who preps the sauce, but on their day can light you up. And they taste REALLY good. Only worrying thing is last time I had them (~2 weeks ago) I picked up a slight chemical taste distinct of an extract that I hadn't tasted before. I am 100% not a fan of extract as I can't stand the chemical flavor and, on top of that, they tend to result in a napalm bomb detonating in my intestines around 3am the night of which is a rude awakening indeed.

So, anyone else from Houston or close by (Katy, Kingwood, Woodlands, Cypress, etc.) that can offer up their 2 cents?
I am not in Houston but The Creator is right. Wings made at home are usually the best. DEFCON makes the best hottest 'buffalo' style sauce. I promise, his Defense Level 1 sauce will jack you up and zero extracts are used. You should definitely buy yourself some, you wont regret it. And making the wings is pretty straight forward, deep fry or bake until done, toss in DEFCON Wing sauce.

OK, how's that for a DEFCON plug? :rofl:
Hmmm... intriguing... I shall try.  I mean, I did just say yesterday that I'm trying to expand my catalog of cooking abilities.
Still, if anyone is in or around Houston, I'd be curious to hear wing recommendations from places in the area.  My office has at least 3 people that are addicts to wings with the highest heat possible along with great flavor.  We have the luxury of being able to take 2-4 hour lunches (and sometimes longer) to enjoy whatever goodness we can find.  Homemade wings aren't exactly on the table for these occasions.
You'll be happy with the care package that will soon arrive on your doorstep. None of our wings sauces are over the top hot, I could make them hotter, but I wouldn't sell nearly the quantity I do now). The hottest one in the box will be the Cluckwing Orange, a mix of Cayenne, Habanero, Peri-Peri and Trinidad Scorpion.
I look forward to your critique.
Thai Cottage, order the Wings of Paradise (Thai Hot).
I think every sauce maker out there should make a few sauces for REAL chileheads like me......Most sauces I try are not to the level of heat in which I like even thou the flavor is there the heat is usually lacking or the heat is there but the flavor is lacking....chilehead problems!
The Hot Pepper said:
Thai Cottage, order the Wings of Paradise (Thai Hot).
MMmmmmmMMmMmMMmm... Thai Cottage Curry Level 3 when I want to enjoy, Level 5 when I don't want to taste food so much as heat.  Damn that place is good.  And close!  Never even thought to try their wings.  My conscience... err... fiancée loves that place.  You just made her day.
DEFCON Creator said:
You'll be happy with the care package that will soon arrive on your doorstep. None of our wings sauces are over the top hot, I could make them hotter, but I wouldn't sell nearly the quantity I do now). The hottest one in the box will be the Cluckwing Orange, a mix of Cayenne, Habanero, Peri-Peri and Trinidad Scorpion.
I look forward to your critique.
Very interested in them and can't wait to try out!  I was thinking about shipping it faster because, while I'm patient at many things, patience in tasting foods is utterly lacking.  After realizing how much I've spent this week on plants, repellents, nutrients, trellises, a couple of other powders and sauces, etc I decided that I should not opt for that because I'm probably already in trouble.  Will definitely let you know what I think of them!
KingChile said:
I think every sauce maker out there should make a few sauces for REAL chileheads like me......Most sauces I try are not to the level of heat in which I like even thou the flavor is there the heat is usually lacking or the heat is there but the flavor is lacking....chilehead problems!
And to make a 1000 gallon batch of what 'you' want (meaning a microcosm of the market), we will sell a few bottles, yeah, but the investment is a losing one, as less than 1% of the population can take the extreme heat you are talking about. Perhaps that answers your question. I could make a product that would blow your friggin' face off, but aside from you, and a handful of others...Who's gonna buy it? Nobody. That is the issue that has been brought up on this site since I joined in 2004. Those that can handle the extreme heat think there are multitudes of people just like them. Being in the business for a few months (yeah, I'm joking), I've noticed just the opposite is in fact the case. That's why there are peppers available to all, so you can handpick the ones you want to use, and make a concoction that suits your purpose. Kinda cool, actually, no pun intended.
Also a place called Bonfire Wings is supposed to be good.
DEFCON Creator said:
And to make a 1000 gallon batch of what 'you' want (meaning a microcosm of the market), we will sell a few bottles, yeah, but the investment is a losing one, as less than 1% of the population can take the extreme heat you are talking about. Perhaps that answers your question. I could make a product that would blow your friggin' face off, but aside from you, and a handful of others...Who's gonna buy it? Nobody. That is the issue that has been brought up on this site since I joined in 2004. Those that can handle the extreme heat think there are multitudes of people just like them. Being in the business for a few months (yeah, I'm joking), I've noticed just the opposite is in fact the case. That's why there are peppers available to all, so you can handpick the ones you want to use, and make a concoction that suits your purpose. Kinda cool, actually, no pun intended.
Then make me a few bottles of face blower sauce and ill slip u some us currency........and im sure way more than 1% like it face melting hot I know alot of people myself not to mention i dont see how it will effect ur sales with the other sauces lol
I can't make a 'few' bottles, as our co-packer doesn't do tiny runs, so I'd be stuck with well over 100 cases of stuff that would gather dust. You state you know a number of people who like it stupidly hot, so do I, but the overall numbers of people (100's of thousands) I've met doing large trade shows for nearly a decade show otherwise.
We have a number of customers that just add peppers to our stuff to bring it up to their 'level'.
DEFCON Creator said:
We have a number of customers that just add peppers to our stuff to bring it up to their 'level'.
Or 'Pure Evil'... DOH! Yeah, I said it. and also have done it. (Please don't kill me Creator. LOL)
I've been doing some searches online and what I run across on sites and other forums (which in no way hold a candle to this one on anything pepper or egg tits) and am kind of seeing the trend like The Creator is talking about.  IIRC there are some threads on here about bottling your own sauce, but I'm nowhere near that point in the process to have even tried to cram that additional info into my brain.  Might be worth a look for someone looking for that extra level of hurt.
So yeah, I'm up at 3am after making Serrano salsa (hottest guests can handle and great flavor) for the FA Cup final that's on at 11am. That's right, I'm I soccer fan. Specifically a diehard Arsenal fan and general Premier League fan. Soooo hoping for an Arsenal win today!

Okay, so now that that's said, I went to BW3s today and had some blazin wings for lunch. Not even close to hot. Asked for an extra side of the sauce and basically drank it after soaking the wings in it. Nothing... wtf... guessing my tasting of super hots since last night has taken the flame out of anything mainstream.

For dinner, I got Thai Cottage Wings of Paradise level 5 Thai hot and even went as far as to say "you can't make it too hot for me, I dare you." Well, challenge failed you wonderful tasting restaurant you! Wings were damn tasty and ridiculously crunchy on the outside for takeout. Felt absolutely no heat, but man what good flavor. Also got some panang curry level 5 (highest they go) which was great tasting, but again no heat. What's the deal? Gotta be the ridiculous heat I've put myself through the last 24 hours.

Anyways, just thought I'd update that Thai Cottage did not fit the bill for hottest wings in Houston. Obviously Buffalo Wild Wings doesn't hold a candle either. Still the hottest and best tasting I've had are both Habanero Hots and Breaveheart from Wild Wing Cafe.

Am I the only person in Houston that likes to go out and eat wings that burn and taste good? Still a good forum because searching for hottest wings in Houston lists this thread as 3rd or 4th on the list last I checked. Good for those that want to find something!

Oh, I did find that a place called the Little Bitty Burger Barn has wings that have something they call nitro sauce on it which are supposed to be very very hot, but since it is an extract sauce with some 10 million Scoville extract in it I am disqualifying it from my list. I know someone who had a burger there with that sauce and wasn't fond of the flavor... definite chemical taste from the extract.

3am ramblings done. Now for 3 hours of sleep before the fun begins! COYG!
Step one: Find a place with wings you like. (Flavor)
Step two: Order wings.
Step three: Sprinkle Reaper powder on wings.
Step four: Eat wings.
Step five: Burn your face off.
dash 2 said:
Step one: Find a place with wings you like. (Flavor)
Step two: Order wings.
Step three: Sprinkle Reaper powder on wings.
Step four: Eat wings.
Step five: Burn your face off.
Now THAT is a good idea I didn't think of. I'll have to try that some time.