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How do Bhuts taste?

I know bhuts/nagas are super hot but how do they taste? Do they have a similar taste to habaneros or some of the other chinense peppers? Are they so hot it is hard to taste anything else?
they taste hot...if you bite into a fresh pod you get that extreme bitter heat, nagas taste kinda apley almost like a mango tree smells not really like a habanero but somewhat, its hard to explain maybe ask The hippy seed co he'd be able to giver you a blow by blow description.
It depends...I haven't had a Bhut Jolokia, but it seems that it's similar to the Bih Jolokia.

Naga's have a very distinctive flavor unlike a general "hab" taste...more fruity tasting and a burn that truly starts about 1-2 mins in and builds. Runs a lot longer than a hab too.

Bih Jolokia has a almost floral fragrance thing to it, semi-sweet, less pronounced fruityness than and I'd say more piquant than the Naga Morich.

Morich is very fruity tasting and tasty. More hab-like than the Bih. Bih is pure growing heat after a tasty 10-15 seconds of flavor. The irony is that the Bih seems to have a more delicate flavor...but it's so overwhemingly hot you don't get time to truly taste it before your tougue goes about numb.. :twisted:

Dorset Naga is just about the same as the Morich that's it's related to.

I stil say Morich and Fatali are still my favorites so far. :)

I'd say watch THSC's videos, he's eaten all of 'em and describes them well.

Link: TheHippySeedCo’s Chilli Test Vid Channel

Best way IMO is to try them youself, even if it's just a tiny slice.
Slice lengthwise, as the ends don't have most of the flavor and heat. :D

alawn said:
Are they so hot it is hard to taste anything else?

That depends on the individual and their tolerance level I think. :D

Ya don't just pop a Naga in your mouth if all you've had is Jalapenos..it'll knock your head off. Think later-starting, hotter, longer burn than habenaros give.

Except the choloate hab..it's weird...like in-between habs and naga...but still not the pure heat or duration of a naga.

Naga's have staying power. ;)

It is like everyone already said just plain hot plus it has better flavor aroma than the naga. This pepper has the habanero hot smell when you slice it open, not so much on my nagas. Just my observation. I had chocolate hab poppers for dinner tonight. Half a chocolate with half a jalapeno was just about right.
I agree with everyone else the naga definitely has a fruity taste at first, then BOOOOOOM the heat is there and is not going away for awhile. And by the way make sure you wear gloves when messing with them for sauces there is nothing like a naga eye, and thats after I washed my hands three times and my eyes very rarely itch but low and behold it got me. Not bad thank goodness