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How do you guys clean your pods?

I've noticed on a lot of my pods that have odd shapes, Scotch bonnets, etc with folds in them, I get little spider webs in the bottoms of those.
Is there any best method to clean those off other just picking them out? I have gown all organic this year and have not used any pesticides so these webs are about the only thing I need to clean up.
I would imagine the little guys building the webs helped get rid of nuisance pests on my plants.
Same way I clean my veggies.  Fill the sink with cold water, then add about a cup of vinegar and let them soak for 15  minutes or so with an occasional swish around
I just rinse them under the faucet for a minute. I dont really worry about it to much since I dont spray my plants with chems or pesticides. If that was the case Id use Brownings method
Browning said:
Same way I clean my veggies.  Fill the sink with cold water, then add about a cup of vinegar and let them soak for 15  minutes or so with an occasional swish around
What the purpose fo the vinegar? I have also jsut filled a sink up with cold water and swished around. Some times rubbing the pods lighting in to make sure there no dirt on them.
Joshuap2000 said:
What the purpose fo the vinegar? I have also jsut filled a sink up with cold water and swished around. Some times rubbing the pods lighting in to make sure there no dirt on them.
folks who use pesitcides use it to remove anything on the fruits.  I don't use pesticides but I use the vinegar anways.  I soak everything and if there's any bugs in it, they'll come out.  Not sure if it's the vinegar doing it or the water but they cleaning with vinegar/water solution prolongs the shelf life also. 
I just throw a bunch in a bowl of water and agitate them a little then use a small paint brush to get anything off that is sticking like webs, cocoons, etc. 
I typically rinse them out in a bowl and use q-tips for the folds.  Anything that has foreign matter on it I use a dab of dish soap.  I don't use any pesticides.
i dont wash any that i ship. but the ones we keep for ourselves or turn into powder get the vinegar water treatment. i also use the stem trick that smiley mentioned.