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How do you hide that smell?

Its hard to stop my sneezing when the powder hits the air never mind the peppers - unless you cook a batch the night before and keep in the fridge until you use them in the a.m.
I have an 1100CFM fan attached to my hood, over a 4-burner gas range. It still doesn't come close to enough to stopping the smell, and spice from getting in the air.
Personally, I don't think it is possible without moving outdoors.
If you don't have a burner on your grill, you might want to look in to outdoor cooking gear. I'm sure you can find something to hook up to an LP tank that would be efficient.
I tried making some sauce a few days ago, even running a vented hood it was choking me out. Had to open a window. I have a small propane cook stove I'm going to use outside for my next attempt. 
Yea, I try to plan my sauce making activities around my wife's business trips.  If that doesn't work out I wait for a night when my wife goes to bed early and I start processing as soon as she goes to sleep, with stove hood going full bore and windows open.  And usually by the time she wakes up in the morning the smell has gone away.  Though it helps that the kitchen is on the second floor and our bedroom is on the first floor on the other side of the house.
I'm actually planning on running some pepper puree in the dehydrator for some powder this weekend while she is gone skiing.
Got me a BBQ with a spot for a pan.
Even in the cold------COOK OUTSIDE.
Also have a rig for deep frying a turkey, holds a big pot for large batches.
Yeah, it's nearly impossible inside unless your house is built a certain way. My old house was ranch style (one level) with the kitchen on the opposite side of the bedrooms. We had a beefy pocket door that separated the kitchen. With fans, hood range, open windows, and no central air running, I could contain most of the smell to the kitchen area and vent it outside. Still, the kitchen stayed fairly fumy for a while afterwards.
I used to get up extra early in the morning just so I could make my habanero/ghost infused 3-egg omelette and still have time to air out the kitchen but not anymore. Wife's new job has her up & out just in time for the grandkids to get up for breakfast. By then I'm heading to work so I gotta use powders or sauces. I only have 1 shot a week to cook anything inside and that's sunday morning when the house is empty. Otherwise it's on the outside cooker.
impending_bending said:
How do you hide that smell?

No not the dope, the peppers once they hit the hot skillet. 4:30 AM pepper cooking and a still-sleeping wife makes for a... Let's say 'rude awakening'
It's not the smell it's the capsaicin in the air that's the issue, it will choke you out! Nothing you can really do except try to keep what you're cooking covered and in liquid. Got a pressure cooker or slow cooker?
I know it's not actually the smell, just wondering if anyone had anything that worked eg activated carbon.

I should have also mentioned I have three propane tanks. That's propane tanks, not tanks full of propane of which I have zero. :) cooking outside otherwise a good idea