bottles-jars How does Tabasco get away with not list nutrition value on their bottles?

It depends upon the form of total packaging. Often the bottles are sold in boxes, and the nutrition information is listed on the box instead of the bottle.

It also depends on how an item is to be sold - retail or wholesale. You'll see bottles in restaurants, for example, often marked "not packaged for individual sale" precisely because they don't list the ingredients on individual bottles.
It is not required (afaik, most hot sauces don't), but...
Whoomp, there it is.
SL knows and will chime in.
+1 to both geeme and THP.  Both are correct.
NIPs (Nutrition Information Panel)s are not required if the manufacturer sells less than (20,000???) units total of all their products in a year and has an exemption on file with the FDA.  I'd venture to guess that McIlhenny's sells more than that ;), so then it would be on the box or "not labeled for individual sale".
I have an exemption on file with the FDA listing everything I make including the sauces, salsa, some salad dressings, dry spice mixes, etc.  Each year it has to be renewed and I list how many units of each I've been selling.  The total has to be less than (20,000).  Don't quote me exactly on that number, it's been a while since I signed up, but it's something like 20K or 30K units.
:welcome: to THP!