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How high is your heat level?

So how much heat and/or pain can you handle?

  • I dont eat peppers.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • If I want to heat it up ill add bell pepper. (lol)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jalepenos and hot sauces like louisiana

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • I like it to burn when I eat.

    Votes: 40 72.7%
  • I REALLY like it to burn, moruga scorpion!

    Votes: 23 41.8%

  • Total voters
What is this Mayanik stuff?
Isn't she the chick from Blossom ?
lol sry...
For the poll:
I like habanero poppers but never really tried much hotter than a red savina, which I love.
I think a Ghost Chili would just be over kill but I'm growing a few this year so we'll see on that one...
Well, after trying a few of the super hot peppers that are out there, my tolerance is a bit higher than I thought it was.

I'm still a lightweight compared to a lot of you guys though.
I have a higher tolerance than I did, say nIne months ago. Currently, jalapeƱos are barely noticeable and habanero products are about a medium. I haven't tried but I bet a fresh Hab would be hot. I ate
A fresh ceyanne last night and it was medium to me. I like to sample super hot products and use them sparingly on food.
Scovy....sometimes you make me pee my pants....

Easy solition: Stop letting him tickle you.

I'll say this about tolerance - whenever I go to Chinese food I can't help but giggle when the waiter warns me about the scary Cayenne pepper in the Hunan & Sezschuan dishes. Like seriously dude? I eat like 20 of those crushed up on my pizza.

Habs are still hot to me though. Not "slap me on the ass and call me Sally" hot, but I get a plenty good burn from biting a raw hab.
I've gotten to the point now where the hottest sauce available at Hooters barely affects me at all. I'm looking to go to BW3's soon to try out some of their hotter fare, since their sauces easily outnumber the ones at Hooters.
i feel that torturing myself eating whole super pods makes eating spicy food more enjoyable. Now when i eat the spiciest meal at a restaurant i can take in all the flavors and not focus on the burn. The burn is still there, it just feels better
Went to Hooters again yesterday just before going to see Dark Knight Rises. The waitress there and I got to talking and she told me that they had some habanero bbq sauce in the back, and asked if I wanted to try some as a dip, I gladly agreed, and let me tell you, I was unimpressed. I barely felt a darn thing. A couple minutes later, the burn in the back of my mouth reached its maximum which wasn't much. She and I both laughed because usually its the other way around, that people could barely handle it, but I used it as a dip for my fries, and went through it like most people go through ketchup.
I am all about the flavor - what good is heat if you can't taste the food? But don't misunderstand - my heat tolerance is a lot higher than most people's. I love the flavor of douglah, for example. But I also love the flavor of jalapenos, poblanos, and other mild peppers. Aji habaneros, for example, borders on sweet; it's got a wonderful flavor and have just a tiny bite. I rarely cook with aji habaneros because they're just too fun to snack on right off the plant.

Ultimately, I like variety, and that includes the heat level. Sometimes I like it hot, sometimes not, and other times in-between. But again, my major focus is flavor. Pork almost screams for fatalii flavor. My molasses cookies are absolutely BEST with douglah flavor. So ultimately it depends upon what I am cooking, when deciding which pepper and heat level I'm going with.

But let's also face it - heat can be FUN! Doing pepper-infused shots with friends is a good time!
I have a very high tolerance to heat. Everything i eat has to atleast have a little spice to it. Even as a kid, i was sucking on hot sauce packets instead of a bottle :fireball:
mine is wayyy to high. i have been munching in the mourga blend since friday. No cramps. The douglahs i had last weekend gave me bad cramps. Have i lost my sense of hotness?
mine is wayyy to high. i have been munching in the mourga blend since friday. No cramps. The douglahs i had last weekend gave me bad cramps. Have i lost my sense of hotness?
LOL - No. You should be aware that, even coming from the same at about the same time, individual pods have their own heat level. So you may have had some mild morugas and extra-hot douglahs, a very common thing.
My heat level is very high as seen on my yt vids lol :) But it's just a once in awhile kinda thing, If I ate a super hot pod every day , I would really be paying for it! LOL
Haha, ditto! I will never get a tape worm or anything like that :rofl: One guy on youtube watched my vids and said I was one crazy bastard lol

Yeah, my folks got me a gag gift for Christmas last year, consisting of a 4-pack of hot sauces, and I went through half of each bottle in the span of a few days. My mom was amazed I suffered nealy no ill effects, save for farting once or twice.
Yeah, my folks got me a gag gift for Christmas last year, consisting of a 4-pack of hot sauces, and I went through half of each bottle in the span of a few days. My mom was amazed I suffered nealy no ill effects, save for farting once or twice.

Haha, Nice!!! I go through my hot sauces too!