How hot is the 7-pot primo? Watch and find out what it does to me!

thegreenman said:
 Last time I had a panic attack and my daughter thought I was dying. 
Sounds like me when I had a kidney stone a few years back...difference is, I prefer NOT to have another kidney stone!
Jeff H said:
Another good review Nigel, but you are getting way too used to these peppers. You should freak out a little every once in a while. Shit like this is more entertaining. :D :D :D
Now that is a panic attack and half. "I think my gums are on fire" awesome! Dried peppers are so bloody intense, too. 
First time I ate a Bhut a friend grew I freaked out. Never had anything beyond Habanero hot before. Not watched a video of anyone eating one, either. When I got oil in my eye I truly thought I`d need to go to the ER. It was the huge endorphin rush that freaked me out most. I`d never experienced anything like it before and I had no clue what was going on. 
Dot Com said:
you handled that like a boss Nigel 8-) Did you get an endorphin rush after it peaked? Thanks for the upload :)
Not so much going on with endorphins with the primo. 
I`m reviewing a 7-pot savannah today and that thing lit me up and gave me a huge endorphin rush. I literally spent an hour staring at the ceiling after I ate it. The video should be up tonight sometime.
Nigel said:
... and that thing lit me up and gave me a huge endorphin rush. I literally spent an hour staring at the ceiling after I ate it. 
You should look up Lindsay Lohan - she could probably give you recommendations for a few rehab centers where you could get some help for that.
(and then of course go right back to eating them again)
Nigel, I have had dial up aol for 15 years and have never seen a utube video in real time. I'm still used to waiting 30 seconds for screens to change and pages taking a minute or so just to come up if there are any graphics to speak of. Well, I got a tablet with internet built in for my birthday a week ago and I had to make my first utube viewing one where one of my favorite hot pepper people is eating maybe my favorite hot pepper! I chose this one over all the other reviews and I'm glad I did. I have seen people comment on your reviews before but didn't get the chance to see what they were talking about. I can't say enough to relay how impressed I am with your review. I eat these things and I know exactly what you are feeling and what you are tasting, but your the man to be able to explain what you are feeling in such a calm frame of mind. I have whole lot of catching up to do as far as technology goes, but this is going to be fun. Anyway, great review and it is good to finally meet you, at least as far as video goes. Tom
Primo's are a beast.
Excellent million+ pepper, without some of the "off" flavors or smells in many of the same caliber.
Also noticed the differences between the Reaper and Primo in my own taste tests.
Especially the "express route" the reaper wants to take after sitting in the gut for 15 mins or so.
Hi Nigel,
Well done my man, I had tasted a small piece and some of the oils from a pepper that had a cherry like taste , but could not remember which one it was and when you brought it up I remembered that I had grown a primo, wow the heat of that one really takes over. I really like your reviews very discriptive you give out a lot of info, most of the time when I try to eat a part of a fresh one the heat kicks in so fast and all I can think of is the next lung full of air, Some just put me at the point where I can hardly breath and I get stuck at that piont and panic some. I think I will grow some more primo's next year.