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seeds how hot is too hot for seeds to germinate?

I have some seeds in the ground that only get indirect sunlight, it's always around 80-86 in the shade, in the sun it's 90+

I have some seeds in a pot that get 1.5 hours of direct sunlight

I have some seeds in dirt in tupperware in direct sunlight

which ones are in the best position to germinate?
+100 on shade. i have a screened in patio, and my seeds sit on a table that gets maybe one hour of evening sun filtered through the screen

and put some plastic wrap over the pots. humidity is key
Light is useless until you get the cotyledon showing. What needs to be maintained is heat (just because its 90noutside doesn't mean your soil is) and water. All seeds germ at different temps so all you can do is experiment with it but I'd be guessing with those temps you would do just fine in the shade.