How long after hydro nutrient switch until flowers stop dropping?

I have 12 indoor plants. All are about 3-4 months old and at least 1' and some change tall. I have a 400W HPS hanging about a foot over the canopy level. All are aerated as well with 70L/min split between them evenly through a 12 port manifold. For the last 3 months they have been in Sensi Grow Perfect pH A+B "Grow" to about 800 or 900 ppm with nutrient/full water changes every two weeks ish and were topped several times and pruned ever so often so they are fairly bushy. About three weeks ago I stopped pinching buds and just let flowers grow out and a week and a half ago switched Sensi Grow "Bloom" Perfect pH A+B @ 800-900 ppm, cycling light at 12/12, and have been shaking the plants every day. Still getting dropped flowers. When to worry and should I be doing anything else? They have two fans blowing on them.
Unless you have medicinal plants in your grow room that are strictly used for your gloucoma you'd be better off running an 18/6 light schedule.
