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seeds How long do they REALLY take to germinate?

For superhots I always get my first few sprouts after 5-7 days and the vast majority come up between 7 - 14 days, then maybe a few straglers upto 21 days, after which I give up on any no shows. Usually get 90% and the ones that don't come up by then I can put down to seed source being the cause rather than variety or germination method.
Ive had Bhut`s sprout six months later, combo of crap seeds & cold weather but sprout they still did in Jiffys.

So be patient, they will eventually pop up.

Germination times can vary quite a lot. A few factors include temperature, humidity, soil moisture, soil pH, seed quality, seed age, seed storage conditions, and probably two dozen other things I can't think of at the moment.

With all else equal I find that annuums germinate faster than chinense but beyond that, in reasonably good conditions it's all variable within about a 5 day to 4 week window, or a couple days shaved off that if you soak seeds first.
Nice read. I've had some 7-Pod seeds that where initially in a wet paper towel on a heat mat at about 80-85degF for 3 weeks... With no results. All 6 seeds look the same as they did the day I popped them in there. I decided to move them and the other seeds I had germ'in into Rapid Root pods, the majority of my other seeds (Scotch Bonnet, and Serrano) are now sprouts/seedlings, and NONE of my 7-Pods have germ'd. :/ I tried slicing a little off the side of the seed the other day to give them a little help, sadly that didn't work either. I moved them into a cup of water, the same way I germ'd my Serrano seeds, and they are 100% unresponsive. I'm about to say forget it, as I'm about to have 4-5 Serrano seedlings and about 3-4 Scotch Bonnets. Not sure I need 7-10 plants right now. This is my first time grow and I've found that placing the seeds in a cup of water for a few days at about 75-80degF works the best for germinating. I'm near 100% success with the seeds I germ'd this way. As for the paper towel method... Meh, I have 100% failure with the 7-Pods (5-6 weeks now). I have about a 90-100% success with the cup-o-water-to-soil-pod method (5-6days), all sprouts with the exception of 2 or 3 popped up within a few days after sowing.

Maybe this helps :)