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How long from fruiting to harvesting

Anyone have an idea how long it takes superhots - the Nagas, 7-pods, Scorpions to produce a completely ripe pepper from the time it blooms? Can this process be speeded up using bloom and fruit nuits? I know it can be slowed down by nipping blooms but I'm wondering if the benchmark is normally around six weeks or so?

It takes 4-6 weeks from flowering till fruits completly ripe, why you want to speed up process let to be natural way so you can enjoy final stage.
Actually, I want to slow down the process a bit. I have tried and tried to eradicate an aphid infestation and they survive. They must be related to cockroaches or Keith Richards. I have some spray that I know will kill them and every other bug, but the fruit should not be eaten for six weeks.

An update - the aphids will soon be history. Any blooms in the next two weeks will be pinched.

This is not an insecticide I have not used in the past, nor one I have not ate produce from plants treated with it. I'll be damned if those creatures are going to destroy my plants.

wordwiz said:
Actually, I want to slow down the process a bit. I have tried and tried to eradicate an aphid infestation and they survive. They must be related to cockroaches or Keith Richards. I have some spray that I know will kill them and every other bug, but the fruit should not be eaten for six weeks.

An update - the aphids will soon be history. Any blooms in the next two weeks will be pinched.

This is not an insecticide I have not used in the past, nor one I have not ate produce from plants treated with it. I'll be damned if those creatures are going to destroy my plants.


that was funny bro..kieth richards indeed :lol:
There are many variable that will affect how long a pod takes to ripen so you can't really go by # of days. It all depends on environmental factors as well as plant health, nutrients, and # of peppers on the plant.
hi there,

i keep track of crop data, here's the log for those varieties i grew last year. environmental conditions apply, yet it may give a rough order of magnitude for the maturing period. unfortunately, scorpions didn't have enough time to mature. took quite a while for nagas to lift off yet when they did the plant resembled a christmas tree. had 2 crops on the 7pods. last column (r-f, ripening time - flowering time) correspond to maturing period in days.
