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How long in the Solo Cup?

Don't leave them in there to long I left a naga viper in a solo cup for to long and it was root bound it's really slow growing I think ima kill it it don't seem to doing anything for a month compared to my other plants the same age
newpeppergrower1105 said:
Don't leave them in there to long I left a naga viper in a solo cup for to long and it was root bound it's really slow growing I think ima kill it it don't seem to doing anything for a month compared to my other plants the same age
Don't do that. Transplant it and give it a couple of weeks.... it'll take off!
Phil said:
Once the roots get used to the new shoes, it should grow like a weed. Patience is the most difficult thing with peppers!
I had a naga morich that I left too long in a cup and just transplanted it about two weeks ago. Went from about 8" tall to about 18" tall in that time and now has flowers on it. Don't give up on it. Transplant anytime after the second set of true leaves are set.
I do it when it is warm enough outside to leave them there (only one repotting from sprout to final seasonal pot), meaning that I time seeding and germination, growth, to fit in my grow light enclosure and still end up at the right stage of development to go outside when outside night temperatures are hospitable, after the last frost date.  Usually that is around 2 months.