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powder-flake How long of does an ounce of hot pepper powder last you?

Phormic28 said:
Wondering how much I should stock up! And how long does hot pepper powder stay good for?
If the powder is completely dry and stays dry (crispy pods when grinding, not pliable or bendy), then powder should last a very long time...like most/all spices.

Sometimes a lil sprinkle goes a long way, so an ounce could last a while. Are you growing this year? Do you have a garden or access to fresh pods? If so, just throw some whole pods in a freezer bag and toss them in the freezer. No special preparation.

But when you thaw them out, the consistency is squidgy, soft, mushy...no crunch or crisp or any of the awesome textural compliments that come with fresh veggies. So cooking with frozen pods is what most people do...or sauces/salsas, jams...nothing that requires mouth-feel.
If you have time, you can acquire some fresh pods, enjoy some fresh, throw a few in the freezer and dehydrate the rest. If you already have a dehydrator, this would probably be the cheapest route, IMO.
One ounce (28 grams) would last me maybe a month or two during the winter when I make a lot of Indian food. I can easily use 7 grams preparing one meal, but then the wife and I both like it hot as hell if you know what I mean. It will stay good almost forever if you just store it in the dark.
I blow thru the mild powders quite quickly. Ancho, Guajillo, Pasilla Negra, mulatto all go QUICK... So does Chipotle powder bc it's just so useful. The hotter stuff just doesn't go as fast.... Depends on what my cooking habits are. Coming up on chili season and, more importantly, chili competition season, I'm going to be blowing thru all the powders I mentioned above, plus de Arbol and Serrano.... And various smoked SuperHots but on a much smaller scale. .. until then, I don't really F with powders, what with all these freshies I got on hand...
podz said:
It will stay good almost forever if you just store it in the dark.
Yep, what ^^^ said...
What do you store them in? Would normal mason jars (https://www.amazon.com/KAMOTA-Canning-Wedding-Favors-Shower/dp/B07THJ328K/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?keywords=mason+jar&qid=1567290542&s=gateway&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzTjZUR0dSM1pGWFdPJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTIyMDE0MTk0Tk9RSU9XOTFGVCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNTgxMTc0MVEySFFHN0FKNFhCMiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3Bob25lX3NlYXJjaF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl) work for storage if kept in a cool dark place?

podz said:
One ounce (28 grams) would last me maybe a month or two during the winter when I make a lot of Indian food. I can easily use 7 grams preparing one meal, but then the wife and I both like it hot as hell if you know what I mean. It will stay good almost forever if you just store it in the dark.
any type of glass jar, plastic spice jar..... I re-use plastic spice jars with the shaker tops for pepper powder, works just fine.  And a 'cool dark place' is just your normal spice cabinet.  Nothing special,  just as long as it isn't over the cook stove.....
We have powders that are probably close to 10 years old.  My husband adds a couple dashes of powder to my wintertime soup for my lunch on job sites.  It's kind of a game to figure out what powder it was, red blend, yellow blend, smoked paprika, chipotle, volcano dust, one of the other powders we've come across over the years.  Sometimes, the shake is a little heavy.....Yowza!  But I will never complain....He takes good care of me~
Some powder like Korean gochugaru i get in 1kg bags so it goes in the freezer after its opened. Ive had it mold on me before. I also freeze bags of bell pepper flakes. Ive had them mold and them suckers are expensive for bells. Most of the other stuff lasts for ages in Mason jars in my spice cabinet.
You can buy a vacuum sealing Mason jar attachment for "seal-a-meal" type machines. Makes a big difference for longer term storage.