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How long to keep pinching buds?

I'm growing indoors and my peppers are really coming along nicely now. Lemon drop is 12.5" tall and very bushy; Aji omnicolor is 8.5" tall and bushy; Fresno is 12". They are putting off buds for 2 weeks and I've been pinching them off. The plants continue to grow taller and put out more branches and leaves. The question is: since I'm growing indoors, there's no end to the growing season, so can I just keep pinching off buds until the plants are as big as I want, or should I let them begin flowering now? If I keep pinching the buds too long will they stop budding?
You can pinch buds as long as you like, peppers continue flowering indefinitely after they start until they die. Most of the time I don't even bother pinching buds on plants that make relatively small peppers like lemon drops but do pinch the first few on plants that make large pods. My rule of thumb is basically if the plant would look silly with a full sized pod on it it's too small to let it flower. 
Sounds like your plants are a good size to let them start flowering though. Got any pics?
I often hear people saying to pinch buds on various plants to promote root growth or whatever.  I personally dont buy it nor do it.  The reasoning seems lacking, If a plant is trying to flower and its buds keep getting ripped off why would It say "oh well, guess Ill just grow roots now".  I imagine the plant would just put more energy into growing the buds it keeps losing.  Plants dont waste energy, if it grows a bud it cant support it drops it.  I would stop pulling buds, time to start enjoying the fruits of your labor.  Will they stop budding if you continue to pick them, no but you wont have any peppers either.
I never bothered to pinch buds on the Fresno.  That was one of the most productive plants that I've had. (in terms of fruit output for plant size)  Aji Lemon Drop is a no-pinch plant for me, also.  I don't know the other one.
Those three types are very prolific and you will get tons of pods on which all of those plants can support.  Let 'em grow!
Oh yeah, all those plants are way past the point where pinching buds matters. At that size fruiting won't slow down growth one bit. 