How long to ripen?

Hey there cool cats and dogs.
I've had pepper pods on my indoor Tepin x Lemon Drop for at least a month now, but I haven't seen any ripening yet. Check it out:



Here is what I've got on specifics:
Lights run on a 8am - 10pm schedule, output is 300W LED lights (though realistically ~135W). They were living on a high N fertilizer that I hit them with a while ago (15-5-10) but after waiting two weeks I zapped them with some 5-15-14 (water evaporates hella slow under LED lights). 
It's been about 4 days since the high PK fertilizer. Am I being impatient or do peppers normally take this long on this plant type? My Caribbean red habanero is also slow to ripen at the moment, same specifics. Check it out:
CAPCOM said:
No pods will ripen before their time.
LOL, he is 100% correct.
I would say to watch for the colors, each plant is likely different but the breeders can sometimes give you a general idea.
If it's your first time growing that plant, this is how you learn how long it takes.
edit: I've ran a Car. Red before and it did take a little while, but nothing too far out of the ordinary. I am not a hab fan in any way, but I can tell you that if you like that flavor, as far as habs go - you are in a for a real treat. They make great sauces too.
It certainly is torture. I've already harvested at least a dozen peppers from my plot outdoors, but those were fresnos, cayennes, and some mystery stuff. This just hurts me.
D3monic said:
Like the others said, it can take forever. It was torture when I was crossing pods and waiting for them to develop and ripen. 
I plan to be in your boat soon (with peppers - I already know this feeling well with crossing 'other' plants. But having over a thousand seeds of the 'other' stuff on hand feels nice. Especially when they cost an average of $10-15 per seed normally!).
mrgrowguy said:
I plan to be in your boat soon (with peppers - I already know this feeling well with crossing 'other' plants. But having over a thousand seeds of the 'other' stuff on hand feels nice. Especially when they cost an average of $10-15 per seed normally!).
I have this community to thank for the mountain of seeds I've received. Without them, I'd just be growing 5 different pepper varieties.