How long to show signs of a pod once pollinated?

This is my first indoor grow and I am getting worried about getting pods.  My Trinidad Moruga Scorpion has tons of flowers.  I try to pollinate with a fan daily.  Today, for the second time, I'm about to try hand-pollinating with a Q-tip.  My question is, once a flower gets pollinated, how long (days?) does it take for the signs of a pod to appear?
You shpuld be hand pollinating more often. Chinenses drop tons of flowers before they finally start to set pods. I recommend ypu hand pollinate every day or every other day. I dont know for sure how long it takes for signs of a pod to appear after being pollinated. Id say probably a few days usually. Signs of a pod forming is the flower stem will thicken and the flower will either shrivel up on the pod or it will fall off completely and you will see the tiny tip of the pod forming.
Hope this helps you.
Just shake the plant or get a fan blowing on it for a few hours each day especially from 10-2ish.  My indoor grows get a constant fan blowing and I rarely get any flower drop at all.  Even from Chinenses.

They should show signs after just a few days.  

I just finished hand-pollinating. This time, I wet the Q-tip first. I am arraid to keep doing this, as some of the flowers are so weakly attached, that if I touch the stem accidentally, sometimes, they fall off. This happened with one today.

I have a followup question:

Should I only try to hand-pollinate flowers that are fully opened, or can I touch flowers that are opened enough for me to get inside?
Question: Do you have pollen? You can hand polinate every day, but if there is no pollen there will be no peppers. On your Q-tip ( you really can use your finger if you can be gentle) you should see the yellow pollen, if you don't, steal some from an annum, they seem to have tons indoors. Don't have an annum? no problem, spend $3.00 and get a flowering cayenne or jalapeno from the local greenhouse. 
To answer your question, you should see a baby pepper in 2-3 days. 
The Q-tip is just as white as it was when I got it out of the box. Thanks for suggestion, but I may wait a bit. I save seeds and have no interest in a Trinidad Moruga Annum cross.
While we are on the subject, what is that developing thing between the two flowers on the right?  Could it possibly be a pod, or is it just a baby leaf forming?
I had very good luck with clippers that you use to cut your hair.  Just plug it up and turn it on.  Make sure to use one of the long attachments for it and gently touch it to the stem of the flower.  You can see the pollen falling off the flower. I called it my pepper vibrator.
I use an electric sonic toothbrush with a small hole drilled in the end, and wire coat hanger glued in, you touch a flower, and it just dumps pollen if there is any there, its very cool when the lights out and fans off with a flash light

Tried many methods, but this one has been the most productive