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How many can you actually grow?

I wondered what number everyone was planning on growing for the season.

Since I am growing 5 kinds of hops (for beer making), I have only room for 35 full grown pepper plants outside. (Or at least that is what SWMBO will allow lol)

I wondered how many will actually end up in:

A. the ground

B. 5 gallon pots (or the equivelant, if you use 3 gallon, whatever)

C. Growing to harvest under artificial lights inside.

How many can you fit full grown?
Well I have room for hundreds in pots in the garden but because of the dog I think I'm really going to struggle to fit in 40+.
I'm shooting for 50 plus or minus a few all in terra cotta pots outside. I have four really big 15 gallon pots that I will double up my plants. The rest are all 12" to 14" pots. I water daily in the summer so I like how these pots dry out.
I have 30 plants that are potted growing under hid light. will put all in 5 gallon, or more, pots. thinking about keeping maybe 5 or 7 inside and the rest will be put outside.
A. 4 in my garden and about another 4 or 5 or 10 at my friends gardens.

B. I aiming low so probably 4 pots...but that'll probably increase to 10 sometime soon...once the summer comes....I can't resist.

C. None.
you guys don't really want me to answer this...cause it may kill me this summer taking care of them....

104 varieties with 200-225 plants in containers plus 15 varieties of tomatoes and about 45 plants in the cement farm and other beds...

You know, I am not going to have time to go to work....
A.Probably 3 of each different variety(Bhut Jolokia, Chcolate Hab, Orange Hab, Serrano, Cayenne) So, about 15.
B.Assuming all my peat pellets germinate(about 2/3rds have already) between 20 and 30 along the railings of my deck and in the side yard.
C.As of right now, none, but this may change as I go through the summer. Depends on if I get permission to do hydro in the basement.
I plan on growing atleast 100 plants, approx. 40 varieties, more if I can do it.
I also grow about 15 varieties of tomatos, as well as some herbs, beans, garlic, onions,and maybe a pumpkin or two.
(sure would like some hop seeds, making home brew sounds like it could be a good thing)
AL C. said:
I plan on growing atleast 100 plants, approx. 40 varieties, more if I can do it.
I also grow about 15 varieties of tomatos, as well as some herbs, beans, garlic, onions,and maybe a pumpkin or two.
(sure would like some hop seeds, making home brew sounds like it could be a good thing)

Only if you like drinking premium quality beer for less than the price of coors.

Hops do grow from seeds, but rhizomes are abundant and inherently female, making them the weapon of choice.

We always grow tons of fresh herbs, that is what SWMBO is fighting me on. More herbs = less peppers and vice-versa.

*check out the lojik joke in the lounge, funny!, I guarantee it*
I'm growing about 60 varieties of peppers and should end up with a total of somewhere between 200 and 250 plants this year. Once my greenhouse is in operation, I'll have more room to do inventory.
I will have 300 in the garden 130 varieties and I will have another 100 or so in my landscape about 10 different varieties plus tomatoes 60+ var. to choose from but I have not made up my mind which ones to plant probably 10 to 15 varieties of the toms. maybe 25 plants. And then my melons 10 varieties. Then all the basic stuff. All this is subject to change. (if my wife changes her mind about me enlarging the garden).

if i only grew peppers i'd have room for about forty, but that wouldn't fly with mum so i'm growing ten varieties (supposed to have been nine, curse you AJ and your free chocolate habs! don't you know i can resist anything but temptation? ;)) one plant of each all outside in pots.
good...Potawie and Dale are growing more than I am...so I am not the only crazy one on here and I feel I am in good company..
Wow, you guys (Thepodpiper, Potawie, and AlabamaJack) have got some insane numbers of plants!!! I wish I had the room and time to devote to growing a forest of peppers like that! :)

As for me, I plan of having my usual 40 - 50 hot pepper plants, all in soil(nasty, hard to deal, clay, drys to hardened concrete in a day soil). :)
It's really easy to get carried away. During catalog fondling season, I have long lists of varieties that I want to try. Winnowing it down is always an agonizing process.
I went to Wallyworld this afternoon to get a thermometer and a moisture meter, but the first thing I did was go over to the seed racks and "just look"...

no seeds but got the thermometer and moisture meter