How many can you actually grow?

AlabamaJack said:
I went to Wallyworld this afternoon to get a thermometer and a moisture meter, but the first thing I did was go over to the seed racks and "just look"...

no seeds but got the thermometer and moisture meter

Wallyworld? The amusement park in National Lampoon's Vaction? know the connection with my last name.....
Well I planted 85 seeds, dunno how many will see the light of day though. I have a large garden, so I can hold quit a few plants outside. Also, my dad is a lover for spicy food, so I told them I am going to "store" some plants in their garden as well :D I will get half the harvest though :D
AlabamaJack said:
I went to Wallyworld this afternoon to get a thermometer and a moisture meter, but the first thing I did was go over to the seed racks and "just look"...

no seeds but got the thermometer and moisture meter

I like to go to walmart and take all their moisure meters and go to the plant section and try them out. Usually they all read different numbers, just like their cheap humidity guages.:(
I heard that Potawie...I will still rely on the weight of the cups until I plant out...I am trying to figure out how I can tell how often to water the cement farm once I plant out...I posted in another thread that my soil temps in the most shaded area was 55F yesteday afternoon and in the sunny area, it was 65F. Supposed to be mid 80s today and 90 tomorrow...
DrHavanger said:
I don't want to sound ignorant, but what is a cement farm?

That is what my wife calls my raised bed....


and Pam is right....the wife is very understanding but she said last more pepper plants....humph....what she doesn't know won't hurt her now will it...:lol:
Pam said:
It's really easy to get carried away. During catalog fondling season, I have long lists of varieties that I want to try. Winnowing it down is always an agonizing process.

my problem (or one of many...) is that once i get this years list down i start compiling next years list...
If all my plants survive, I should have about 100 peppers (55 types), 60 tomatoes (15 types), 20 eggplants (4), 20 cucumbers (3), two rows of potatoes (but one row will be grown in containers and I'll keep adding dirt/straw/mulch, plus of course, beans, carrots, beets, squash, basil and onions.

Wow. We have 1/2 an acre, a pretty big yard, but SWMBO's main thing is: Does it look OK?

Hold on to that woman AJ! My wife would divorce me before she would let me put a concrete garden in the yard, lol.

35 is still a pretty good number. I have lots to share and lots to dry and preserve.

I guess the drive to get into sauce making comes from having tons of extra peppers. I wouldn't know what to do with 100 full grown producing plants.
My problem is not going to be growing them this is going to be choosing which ones to overwinter and where to put them inside...
wordwiz said:
If all my plants survive, I should have about 100 peppers (55 types), 60 tomatoes (15 types), 20 eggplants (4), 20 cucumbers (3), two rows of potatoes (but one row will be grown in containers and I'll keep adding dirt/straw/mulch, plus of course, beans, carrots, beets, squash, basil and onions.

Damn, you're a modern-day farmer.
I know AJ, I forgot to take into account the 6 I have overwintered!!! It will have to be excuses!

Also AJ, I overwintered improperly. Lights and watering should not be necessary, space is minimal too from what I understand.

Williard had some informative posts on it. His plants had all leaves removed and roots, and were stored dry and cold. I am amazed that they came back, but evidently it works.
Pablo definitely knows what he is doing....
Omri said:
Damn, you're a modern-day farmer.

Actually, I forgot the corn, peas, cabbage and bell peppers! If I can find some horseradish I'll grow a little of it also, though not in the garden. Ditto for a few tobacco plants.

wordwiz said:
Actually, I forgot the corn, peas, cabbage and bell peppers! If I can find some horseradish I'll grow a little of it also, though not in the garden. Ditto for a few tobacco plants.

cheezydemon said:
Also AJ, I overwintered improperly. Lights and watering should not be necessary, space is minimal too from what I understand.

Williard had some informative posts on it. His plants had all leaves removed and roots, and were stored dry and cold. I am amazed that they came back, but evidently it works.

Overwintering should really be done in a cool place with little light to get them semi dormant, they do need some water and light. Mine are now doing excellent this year.
I don't think I actually overwintered my cutback orange hab....just cut it back and have had it in either my germinator or grow box ever since December...It is definitely ready for real light.......