How many peppers...

I had a non pepper growing guy ask me a few weeks ago for the same thing, He wanted reapers and a few scorpions. I told him $5 per pod which is about what the seeds per pod are worth. He was on our local social media site. If he hadn't been so pushy and demanding I would have just given him some.
In Canada where such things do not exist in any form, I was talking with a veg grower that has a personal stache of choc reapers in his green house. Depending on varieties and heat I was quoted at a 2 bucks a pod for anything hab level heat and above. 
I usually estimate $0.50/pod. 20-30 pods in an SFRB depending on size.

For $100, if they're willing, I'd personally go with 200-250 pods.

Last week, I had a guy offer up $20/bushel. The next day, after I revealed the actual asking price, he was glad to pay $20 for a SFRB. Lol. Supply & demand.
$100 - $0.75/pod; $200 - $0.60/pod; $300 - $0.50/pod
BTW:  I've got approx. 500 pods sitting on my counter that will hopefully find a good home soon.   :rolleyes:
I hate to be a jerk about price but the market has inflated the price for seeds, plants and pods when it comes to Reapers. So i cant replace them for less when i need them. Truth be told though i prefer a Scorpion so im not selling any of those. I got my seeds from selected Reaper pods so if someone is willing to pay the piper im willing to oblige. If not into the dehydrator they go. 1oz of dried pods is pushing $12+ easily.
Before we take a little journey down the economics train, let me preface this with:
I produce far more pods than I use and I do not sell them because for me it would always be a losing business. (eg. I spend way more time and money gardening than I would ever recoup by selling peppers, which is fine for me as a hobby, but not as a business)
SRFBs are going for somewhere between ~$18-23 this season (Let's call this $20.50 average) and usually contain about 22 pods on average. 
So we know that consumers are willing to pay a maximum $18-23 for 22 peppers or about $0.95 per pod in small quantities.
Larger quantities invite the idea of Volume Discounts because they lower the cost of doing business and everyone benefits:
Does not have to make as many transactions, fewer payments to track, less product handling/packaging, shipping costs reduced, etc
One source for the full quantity they need, product arrives all at once, only one payment to make, quality control/issues are easier dealing with 1 supplier, etc
Depending on industry volume discount price breaks are all over the place, but I would say that 5-20% is not unreasonable:
Max price $0.95/pod (105 pods/$100)
5% discount - $0.90/pod (110 pods/$100)
10% discount -  $0.85/pod (115 pods/$100)
20% discount - $0.76/pod (130 pods/$100)
There is also the detail of shipping to think about. With the average SFRB at $22.50, $7.50 of the seller's income goes to shipping, leaving $13 earned for 22 peppers or about $0.60/pod.
If you are not shipping, you could earn the same amount of profit by selling 150-170 pods for $100 or leverage the market price to make a higher profit than someone who has to ship.
Harry_Dangler said:
$100 - $0.75/pod; $200 - $0.60/pod; $300 - $0.50/pod
BTW:  I've got approx. 500 pods sitting on my counter that will hopefully find a good home soon.   :rolleyes:
I agree with the pricing, but this seems like this is a strange way to represent it and the math works out to some odd numbers like 133 or 134 peppers for $100?
I think it would be more understandable if you quoted using an approximate pod count like this:
$100 ~125 pods
$200 ~325 pods
$300 ~600 pods
TL;DR: Between 105 and 170 pods for $100 seems about right.
A Sfrb weighs about a half pound too. Personally I would try to get 20 a pound, I feel like they are worth that for sure. But really if you make him happy he will probably come back, I'm sure 5 lbs of peppers would look like a good deal when he saw them. Tell him if he eats one you will throw in some extras! Lol