how much do carribean reds go for?

how many are you looking to sell?
I sold 500 of mine last year locally at 10 for $1. Caribbean Red Habs have a better taste and heat then Red Habs, in my opinion. If you have a flea market hit up the food vendors as some like them for homemade hot relish for customers. They go a long way in that application for most.
They sell the same as any other oval shaped C. chinense or "Hababero". it's hard hard convincing people otherwise.
Well where Im at in South Mississippi the only hot peppers you can buy at the supermarket are Serrano and Jalapeno, so if you want hot peppers you either grow them or find someone willing to sell/give you some. I don't think you would have a problem selling them at all.
I know around here we get red and orange habs for $2.99 a pound at the grocery store and at the farmers market they run $1.99 a lb
Well that's cause your in Texas - the promised land! where the steaks start at 2lbs, the cows have horns, everywhere you look there's oil and every piece of food is spicy food! heck yeah!
Yeah shipping sucks....I spend $30K + a year with USPS for my mail order biz, and I begrudge every last penny of it :eek:

I wonder how many (weight) you could get in a large flat rate Priority box, 3, maybe 4 lbs??? - Might be worth checking out if the $/LB isn't too high, and you're keen to move them out?