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fertilizer How often should I fertilize

I use fish fertilizer and I think it says to fertilize every three weeks. I am waiting for Chile Focus and it says you can fertilizer every day w/a diluted solution or weekly. Personally, I think it is hard to determine when to fertilize. All of my plants are different. Some have a slight yellowing of leaves, so look healthy. It's my first year growing peppers and I am trying to get a handle on getting all plants healthy. There will be more knowledgable growers who will be able to give more insight.
Depends upon what you're using for fertilizer and what strength you're applying it at. Most fertilizers you buy will have a suggested use, either when you water or once a month or so. I like to do the every time I water routine but I only use it at half the suggested amount.
It also depends on the nutrients in your garden and source water. Do you add anything organic like compost or are you just using a chemical nutrient?
I just use MG Bloom Booster once a week, then alternate with Epsom salt every other week. Seems to be working fine SO far...
Before I planted, I weeded, then dug up several inches of soil and replaced it with potting soil. No compost, just a chemical nutrient. The garden soil is sandy, but good. The source water is well water. It is high in iron, but otherwise normal.
I like adding nutrients with every watering. Much more control than spreading a granular fertilizer. If they get a little too much, you can just flush them out with plain old water. My plants get Botanicare ProGrow and Liquid Karma at every watering. They seem to love it so far. Will switch to Liquid Karma and ProBloom in about a month.
In my raised beds I worked in some nutrients , gypsum , and soil activator around December. When the plants start to look like they need food I'll use some Espoma Tomato-Tone. In my 5 gal buckets I used a little gypsum ,soil activator , and Tomato-Tone mixed into the last 2 gallons of soil that I topped of the plants off with when transplanting. The Tomato-Tone is new to me , if it's not doing what I want I'll use some Inoic Bloom ( 4-5-8 ) like I did last year. With this I added it almost every watering. It's a pretty weak product. I also used some Cal/Mag about once a month.

I agree with ditter on the use of adding a liquid nutrient solution. If you use to much you flush it out . The Tomato-Tone is new to me but I've heard so many good things about it I had to give it a try. It's a dry powder ( more or less ) that you work into the soil or top dress with. But I'm guessing flushing is out with this.

The best thing you can do is use LESS of anything .... you can always use a little more easier than trying to flush it out.

Peace & good luck,
P. Dreadie
It also depends on the nutrients in your garden and source water. Do you add anything organic like compost or are you just using a chemical nutrient?

Good question; I'm getting away from "fertilizers" by bulking up my dirt. I'm presently only applying micro-nutes because of poor soil. Except for one plant I haven't used any NPK at all. A goal to aspire to, IMO.
Ok, im gonna ask a really newby question right now...
How do you see if your plants need fertilizer?
I've been growing chilli's in pots for the last 3 years and I have never fertilized them.
I have chilli focus but never used it since I don't know when they are needing...
Bleash said:
Ok, im gonna ask a really newby question right now...
How do you see if your plants need fertilizer?
I've been growing chilli's in pots for the last 3 years and I have never fertilized them.
I have chilli focus but never used it since I don't know when they are needing...

That gave me a chuckle. I would suggest; if they needed it you'd know it. I'm assuming you are getting nice peppers and no problems. Cheers.
AjarnV said:
That gave me a chuckle. I would suggest; if they needed it you'd know it. I'm assuming you are getting nice peppers and no problems. Cheers.

Hey AjarnV,
Yep, I've got no problems in getting peppers from my plants.
Thats why I asked. Seeing you guys talking about fertilizing "every time you water" or "every week" made me nervous because I thought I' may be doing something wrong.
Bleash said:
Hey AjarnV,
Yep, I've got no problems in getting peppers from my plants.
Thats why I asked. Seeing you guys talking about fertilizing "every time you water" or "every week" made me nervous because I thought I' may be doing something wrong.

I for one, live in a part of Thailand that has notoriously bad dirt; acidic and clay. When the soil is dry even a pick axe is useless (not kidding). My wife and I have been working for a year to improve it with compost, coir, and a truckload of topsoil. I have only one plant in the ground and it's a sad decline from it's life in a pot. All my other plants are in soil mixtures I've put together and most are okay. The plant in the ground is the only one I've given NPK ferts to and it hasn't helped. Everything else is organic with one exception and that's micro-nutes. But, I may have found an organic micro-nute.
Everybody has to do what they see as the way to go; I have always been an organic grower until Thailand; but I'm learning. Cheers.
If you have anything but concrete for soil, the less you fertilize, the happier your chiles will be. Work compost/worm castings into the soil and avoid adding stuff because somebody else did.
Bleash said:
Ok, im gonna ask a really newby question right now...
How do you see if your plants need fertilizer?
I've been growing chilli's in pots for the last 3 years and I have never fertilized them.
I have chilli focus but never used it since I don't know when they are needing...

This is just begging for an experiment. Try the Chili Focus on a few plants throughout the growing season and see if it makes any difference. If it doesn't then don't change a thing. If it does, like I suspect it will, then you'll know if and when you need to use it.

Good luck!
patrick said:
This is just begging for an experiment. Try the Chili Focus on a few plants throughout the growing season and see if it makes any difference. If it doesn't then don't change a thing. If it does, like I suspect it will, then you'll know if and when you need to use it.

OK, I think I can try this experiment.
The only problem is that I have only 1 plant of each of the varietys I'm growing.
Anyway, I'll feed a Fatalii and a Neyde with chilli focus and leave the Naga Morich and the Hot Lemon without.
Better than nothing I supose.

My game plan is to give 'em a couple tablespoons of TomatoTone every 3 weeks. Then, in between the TomatoTone feedings, a light feeding of Neptune's Fish/Seaweed. So they will be getting something roughly every 10 days. With each 10-day feeding will come a moderate watering.

I do think Tomato Tone gives peppers everything they need. Last year I used it and only it, with my container plants. They grew big and strong and gave me many more pods than I could eat. I prefer not to have all my eggs in one basket, so this year I'm branching out with the Neptune's, but I still think the Tone could easily get the job done without an assist.

btw, that Neptune's stuff ROCKS with other kinds of plants. I mean, really ROCKS on herbs, pumpkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. You can see the difference within a day of applying it.