How r ur peppers going in Perth west oz?

So do you water as per normal but with the nutes? Does this turn out to be expensive? Sure looks like it works though your plants are covered in pods. Also can't wait for the Chilli Festival in March!! Will be my first time
Yeah every time. I tend to do a "flush" with normal water (ph adjusted) once a fortnight just to wash away excess salts.
My biggest learning experience so far this year seems to be in regard to pot size. I knew it made a big difference but I can now see the difference it is having. Next year will definitely be less plants, bigger pots.

The chilli festival is good. I have been to a few. I used to go when it was in araluen. It moved to freo a few years ago.

Also, I'm now selectively keeping pods for each plant to isolate the phenotypes I want to grow next year. Probably won't OW many plants at all.
Yeah I would prefer fewer larger pots too but starting out trying heaps of varieties this year. Will definitely reduce next year (but I'm sure everyone says that..).

I would like to try the method your using on a few plants next year. Is is expensive to add nutes to every water?

My plants are growing amazing but just not setting fruit. I'm convinced I over fertilised. They have up to hundreds of flowers on each plant but they go yellow and fall off despite the plants looking awesome and growing heaps. They were 3inches two months ago now some are over 2.5 feet and nice an bushy. Very frustrating. If even 1/4 of those flowers turned into pods they'd be friggen loaded.

I'm hoping to get fresh chillies from chilli fest to save having to grow so many variaties lol
Yeah I won't be growing in coir with perlite next year. It's good, and has been brilliant in regard to pests, but I prefer organic or my other hydroponic system. Nutes are dutchmaster advance from Bunnings or hydro shops, can't remember the price. It lasts a while though.

My peach scorpion is now close to 6 feet tall. Has hundreds of pods ripening. It's in a 120L pot with a mix of various manures, compost perlite and potting soil. I water it (and my other organic based plants) with this...
Use 2 cap fulls in 20L of water. This will most likely be my growing method next year.
I'll look into getting some of the flora nova bloom to test on a couple of my plants to see what it does. I have some yellow cayenne sand an orarange chilli which I can use to experiment on.

Your Peach scorpion sounds amazing I wish my plants were as prolific as yours. I have a Jays Peach I just hope it grows true and I get some pods.

Sorry to be a hassle but could you give me some more details on the organic mix your using? Ratios, brands ect.. Would be appreciated
Pinhigh said:
Quick update...took pods off a bunch of plants today. The highlight though was removing the ripe pods off my jays peach Scorp. There is still a heap of unripe pods left on the plant.

Baby Jesus... what a bounty!
eBay. Lasts a fair while. I use it on a heap of other plants too. The big plant gets about 20mls of it every second/third day. The bottle is almost a litre.

First early pick for the season, having a better season this year. Fatalis have been a great early producer again, Brain Strains are going great, overwintered Carolina Reaper is massive with hundreds of pods just starting to ripen. Aji Pineapple, Red and Peach Bhuts, Chocolate Scorpions and Habs and many assorted Thais all starting to ripen. Going to be a bumper crop for a backyard begginner.
Thanks to all the fine folks that have helped with seeds and advice.
Mate they look awesome. I have two questions for ya.. How are you growing your chillies this year and do you need to PH down your tap water?

I'm in Pinjarra and my tap water is PH 8.05 so I just bought some PH down to adjust it to 6.5. I'm in soil btw but having some flower drop problems might be cos of the PH I'll find out in a few weeks I guess.

Just tasted some red cap mushroom, yellow Tabasco and Aji lemon with my lunch at work and everyone loved the Aji lemon. I bet your Aji pineapples will be great too
Hello Jase,
All grown in the dirt, some straight in the ground and others in raised planter beds. I gave all of my soil a big top up at the end of last years grow with soil conditioner, peat moss and a few bags of left over potting mix. Also burried into the ground a load of fish heads and frames throughout the year. This year I have also used this Corn, Chicken Canolla mix mulch ( think its called Triple C ) and spread about 2 inches over the top. 
I havent checked PH levels so can't give you any heads up here on flower drop. I live close to the coast in Quinns, so salt build up would be my biggest concern, but not giving me any grief.
Last year I had some bug or virus attack most of my plants, made all the new growth crinkle and stunt and got bugger all produce. So far, so good this year, have not seen a re-occurance.
Ate an Aji Pinapple last night, sweet and crunchy, not far off the flavour of a Fatalli, but a little less heat. Fatalli's are still my favorite for taste, but the Carolina Reapers would get the nod if they weren't so bloody hot.
I think I will be ditching the coco from my soil mix next year and use grow bags which will still give me plenty of drainage. I'm gonna use a mix of potting mix, manure, compost and perlite.

Fish heads/guts are great my grandfather uses carp and buries them a months or so before he puts his tomatoes in.

The lady at the Mitre 10 in Pinjarra was trying to sell me that triple C I reckon I'll mulch my grow bags and raised beds with it next season.

I'm going tonight to get a fresh water PH test kit from petstock they are only $15

Did you find out what that virus was that you had in your plants last year?
Picked this weekend, a mixture of Brains, Reapers, Fatalis, Red and Yellow Bhuts, Aji Pinapples and supposedly Choc Scorpions that only turn to a olive/mustard colour before going soft.

All turned into Chilli Flake