Bought a vial of powdered capsaicin. Do you have to mix it with a spirit to let it dissolve or can you just eat it straight? Thanks.

Yeah, what he said^^mikeg said:I've never even thought about handling this material. Other, more knowlegeable THP members have pointed out that professional people who handle it use HazMat suits and strict procedural guidelines while doing so.
According to one website, the material is quite 'treacherous'... since it has no flavor of its own, and is not quickly soluble in water (or saliva), it is entirely too easy to give yourself an extremely painful dose without even noticing it -- until it's way too late.
The ridiculously tiny amounts needed to cause painful -- even dangerous -- effects mean that it can counter-intuitively sneak up on you. I'll reiterate: it doesn't matter how sensible you are, the math in this equation exceeds human common sense.
Apparently, it is not unreasonable to compare it to radioactive isotopes like plutonium, or high-toxicity ergot alkaloids like lysergic acid diethylamide (a.k.a. LSD).
Most fatal doses lead to death due to respiratory failure, if i remember aright. Talk to a professional chemist, or perhaps your local pharmacist. My opinions and vague recollections may be rife with another very dangerous commodity -- misinformation.
Unless properly informed, i think what you are doing is tantamount to trying to keep a pet rattlesnake in a shoebox in your bedroom closet.