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How to have stronger leaves

My bhuts look like this under the shade ad in 15 mins gets tired already. How can I get them to be stronger foliage.

Try looking into subculture-B by general hydroponics or Silica Blast by Botanicare both are suppose to strength the plant tissue wall, but I have never used it only read and talked to representatives from each company about it. Interesting topic
Can you see when the light is making the plants exhausted? Did I misunderstand?

Didn't know that was even possible. So maybe I learned something new today :)
Smack 'em around whenever you think of it. Or you know, put a fan on them. The world is cruel, you need to give them a bit of tough love.

(seriously though, don't smack them around at first, you might break the stems if they haven't experienced any sort of stress before)

Granted, if they haven't been exposed to much sun before then they're going to do that anyway until they're hardened off.
This happens every time you go from indoor to out door or cold to hot in a short period of time. one thing you can do is put them in partial shade to give them a change to harden then gradually expose them to the heat. This is how I harden off like mentioned by synclinorium.
They look like this even before I take them out for some sunshine. Hence why they can tolerate 15 mins of sun

I just throw my big ones outside, even after 4 hours ( I forgot they were outside :D) they seemed ok. Just give them some rest. If anything just keep laying them out. Probably need time.
The Bhut seedling I picked up locally looked very similar for a while- the leaves felt thin and weak, kind of limp really. I just ruffled them whenever I thought of it and they've toughened up a bit.
+1 on the tough love. Some good air movement (aka fan) and getting weathered outside will thicken things up in no time. just keep on keeping on.