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How to hmmm..... acclimate your self to the superhots?

haha yeah in a perfect world. but I have this weird reaction that makes my mouth salivate CRAZY. haha. Its weird. I guess my body is like hmm, this hurts.
I got manned by a bhut but ill do it again lol I find my tollerences have gone down too..Lack of peppers and decent hotsauces and lacking a certian wingsauce I miss lol
Sickmont said:
I think it depends. I've found that swishing straight vodka around your mouth and then spitting it out kills the burn considerably. It works almost as good as dairy to me.

Spitting it out??? :shocked: Why would you do that?
JayT said:
Spitting it out??? :shocked: Why would you do that?

I was wondering if anybody was going to catch that. Figures it's JayT ;)

I'm not sure if we're building a tolerance so we can eat hotter peppers or that we're more like heroin junkies--takes more to get us "off". You know the first time you ate a jalapeno it almost killed you but now to get the same effect you have to eat Fatalii's or bhut's and such.

Starting to jones here man, need me a Trinidad Scorp!! :lol: