It's like anything else; if you don't do something for a while, your body will adjust to the current condition. However, assuming tolerance works the way that most other biological activities do (and I may be making this up completely), it seems it's easier to reattain a prior benchmark than reach it for the first time.
It's kind of like running for a while and then spending several months as a couch potato. The next time you go running, your body will remember the feeling and will go at it as usual, but you'll end up having your ass kicked because you lost your endurance... however, since your body has already been conditioned to that benchmark in the past, it knows what to expect and will readjust more rapidly.
"We're doing this again? Okay okay, hold on... jeez."
You can sort of look at it as an addiction too. Your body not only begins to tolerate the heat, it comes to expect it. There's a weaker physiological response to stimuli the more your body encounters the stimuli, and it needs more to compensate.
Why would you ever want to kick the habit?
It's kind of like running for a while and then spending several months as a couch potato. The next time you go running, your body will remember the feeling and will go at it as usual, but you'll end up having your ass kicked because you lost your endurance... however, since your body has already been conditioned to that benchmark in the past, it knows what to expect and will readjust more rapidly.
"We're doing this again? Okay okay, hold on... jeez."
You can sort of look at it as an addiction too. Your body not only begins to tolerate the heat, it comes to expect it. There's a weaker physiological response to stimuli the more your body encounters the stimuli, and it needs more to compensate.
Why would you ever want to kick the habit?