powder-flake How to keep powder from clumping?

Just dehydrated and ground up some yellow Moruga Scorpion's for powder and am looking for ways to keep it from clumping up in the shaker.  
I tried using the search function with no results but then again I don't have much luck with that.
Anyway, we made some ground Thai powder and used rice in the shaker but it still clumps up.  
Any ideas?
Tybo said:
Just dehydrated and ground up some yellow Moruga Scorpion's for powder and am looking for ways to keep it from clumping up in the shaker.  
I tried using the search function with no results but then again I don't have much luck with that.
Anyway, we made some ground Thai powder and used rice in the shaker but it still clumps up.  
Any ideas?
Put some rice in a coffee mill and grind the holy pajamas out of it.  Then mix a little of that powder in with your pepper powder.  Works like a charm.
Jay T and Scovie tipped me onto that trick.  Note:  You can also buy the rice powder online. 
SmokenFire said:
Put some rice in a coffee mill and grind the holy pajamas out of it.  Then mix a little of that powder in with your pepper powder.  Works like a charm.
Jay T and Scovie tipped me onto that trick.  Note:  You can also buy the rice powder online.
In reading this I wondered if your "rice powder" was "rice flour"......
WikiHow>How to Make Rice Flour  Bingo! Thanks SmokenFire!
Start out small. Just like making a new sauce or something. You can always add more can't take it out.

I'd start out at 1/4 tsp.
If you go the blender route, sift the rice flour through a strainer/sieve to make sure you get any unground pieces out.
Nobody wants a whole grain of uncooked rice in their powder or sauce!
ShowMeDaSauce said:
Some brew shops sell rice hulls. Grind and sift
Same stuff that the Nu Flow that Salsalady mentioned is made from.  
We do have a brew shop around here so I'll check with them to see if they have them.
Thanks everyone for the ideas!
Student of Spice hooked.me up w a link in time for I believe it was..NuFlow for a free sample and they sent me damn near a lb of the stuff. This was like 2 years ago though.
sirex said:
Student of Spice hooked.me up w a link in time for I believe it was..NuFlow for a free sample and they sent me damn near a lb of the stuff. This was like 2 years ago though.
3lbs total. I got 1 in organic too. They let you order 2 samples per request.