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shopping how to make cheap (no buying) propagator??????


I would like to try and make a propagator,but I'm 15 years old
and I don't have money at the moment.what can I use besides
lightbulbs and heating pannels??? And if I have to use money,
what can I buy that doesn't use electricity???

If you have a standing freezer in a basement or laundry room, you can put the small pots on top where it is nice and warm. I normally stick broad dough to rise on top of our standing freezer. You could also slip them on to the top of a cable box or something but your mom might kill you and you may end up water damaging your electronics... thinking about it, that is bad advice so don't do that.
You can put them on top of anything warm...water heater, freezer, computer modem. You don't have to have any heat but it just takes alot longer with out it.Just be sure to cover them with plastic wrap or something though and keep them moist
Hey Lil Bro

I would think it would be warm enough in South Africa to start seeds outdoors if you needed to. But, the advice you've been given is good.

If you need any more advice about growing in warm climates, we have a gang of folks from parts of the world similar to yours. I'm sure if you PM them, they will surely reply.

PeriPeri lives right there in South Africa with you, Romy6 does a great job in Florida, Mezo is a good grower who's learned the hard way in Australia, Shane (stc3248) is in southern California makes the nicest pepper plants you'll ever see. And, nobody on this site would be more happy to help you than our friend WalkGood over in Florida.

I'm sure these guys will be thrilled that I offered their services!
I really like Chillies Communities - all so helpful, kind and bunch of good people. I would think the world is so much nicer. Hope no one mind I express my heartfelt reactions reading forums!!


I would like to try and make a propagator,but I'm 15 years old
and I don't have money at the moment.what can I use besides
lightbulbs and heating pannels??? And if I have to use money,
what can I buy that doesn't use electricity???

Got me thinking. Without electricity.. so you would need to get heat from somewhere else- here is my ideas - Get some stones/bricks heated outside in the daytime. Masonry stuff absorbed heat & retained it well. Collect these heated bricks/stones when sun goes down (alternatively heat it up with whatever non-electric source) and put it in a well insulated box with your propagator on top..think you get a heated propagator at night when temperature drop. Repeat next day to reharvest heat. Lots of work & less control.
@scratchzilla : sorry,I speak afrikaans most of the time,
so I don't always understand big english words,so what does
incandescent and rubbermaid tote mean?? :)
