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fermenting How to make Mash for fermenting?

Hey guys,

My 1st post.

I've checked out this website and am having some trouble finding how to's on mash making and fermenting.

My last time was about 4 years ago and I can't remember how I made them. I did a box of habs up and made 3 different sauces with it.

This time I am trying to make sauce with Cayenne peppers. They're pretty hot. Not as hot as the habs. But still really hot considering they are only cayenne.

I don't want to use vinegar.

If I recall the last time I did it I chopped them up. took out the seeds. put them in a bucket. tossed in some sea salt. put on a lid with one of those wine air venters - lets air our but no air in. And let them sit for about a month or two months... My sauce was awesome. and my brother still has some from 4 years ago. I jared them with mason jars. I boiled only one time... and that was when I was making my sauces.

Does that sound the correct way to do it?

This time I want to leave in the seeds.
I would like to make something similar to Frank's Red hot sauce... I know they use vinegar - but I don't want to use it till the end.

Any ways... so I was thinking. chop em up by hand. keep seeds, toss stems. put it in a bucket. With a make shift venter. Add some sea salt. stir. let sit.

does that sound right?

How much salt should I be using?
I don't have a good scale for weighing. So, I'll need to be doing this with the old measuring cup.

1 cup kosher salt per 1 gallon of chopped peppers will get you in the ballpark Rich. I only boil(pasteurize) when I'm bottling the sauce, and use vinegar after the mash is done fermenting. Good luck and welcome.
Use 5 to 10 % salt by weight of mash. If you store the mash in air tight containers you really should inoculate it with lactobacillus first. You can get it from yogurt with active cultures ,sour dough starter ,kefir ,etc...
Yeah I can say I am too is not that good in doing the scales.Well, if I am going to make some hot sauce I will make it sure that it is hotter and the best spicy ingredients are to be used. So much hotter that when I use it, it's as if I am gonna be seeing some Geminids meteor shower in the sky. Thanks for the instructions by the way, I will try to do some too.