how to make pepper extract

Awesome thank you salsa!
Will evaporating some of the alcohol give me a stronger and more spicy substance?
I wish to put this in a sauce I'm making.
Theoretically, yes.
I'm not a scientist or chemical engineer or whatever.  So take my theory/opinion with a HUGE grain of salt. 
As far as I know, the capsaicinoid compounds dissolve in alcohol and they are then in a ppm equation. So in theory, if you reduce the carrier solution(alcohol), the ppm should increase.  But then again, if you intend to use the tincture in a sauce, it will be diluted by a huge ppm, so you would have to ask yourself if concentrating your tincture is worth the effort when a small amount of tincture is going to be mixed with a large amount of sauce. 
Thank you for the Tips.
I finished my sauce and it tastes amazing! I'm sad it didn't come out as spicy as I wanted but it still give a nice burn.
Other than that most of the methods described at the start of this thread don't seem to be worth the effort.
Unless you have time and money to spend.
I have been working on a method that is a little time consuming but cheap n pretty safe.

1. Get yourself sum of the hottest pepper u can. Cut them up a little n put em on a baking sheet. Cook in your oven at 170 degrees for a few hours until they r crispy but not burnt.
2. Let them cool n ad them to a food processor. Grind into dust.
3. Pour dust into mason jar. Then ad an equal amount of acetone. Seal the jar n shake the shit out of it. Set it in the frig.
4. After a week or so pour it out of 1 jar n into another filtering it through a couple layers of coffee filters. Squeeze the filter at the end to get all remaining oils out.
5. Set the jar in a pan n put a fine flour sifter over it. let it sit out on a counter until half the liquid evaperates. Then filter it through a coffee filter again into the jar u want to keep it in. Put flour sifter back over it then let all the remaining acetone evaporates.
That's it. I like to pour my final product in eye dropper jars
complxnumbrz said:
I have been working on a method that is a little time consuming but cheap n pretty safe.

1. Get yourself sum of the hottest pepper u can. Cut them up a little n put em on a baking sheet. Cook in your oven at 170 degrees for a few hours until they r crispy but not burnt.
2. Let them cool n ad them to a food processor. Grind into dust.
3. Pour dust into mason jar. Then ad an equal amount of acetone. Seal the jar n shake the shit out of it. Set it in the frig.
4. After a week or so pour it out of 1 jar n into another filtering it through a couple layers of coffee filters. Squeeze the filter at the end to get all remaining oils out.
5. Set the jar in a pan n put a fine flour sifter over it. let it sit out on a counter until half the liquid evaperates. Then filter it through a coffee filter again into the jar u want to keep it in. Put flour sifter back over it then let all the remaining acetone evaporates.
That's it. I like to pour my final product in eye dropper jars
You are ingesting ACETONE?    There are other options.....
complxnumbrz said:
All the acetone is evaporaded
It actually won't all be evaporated, there will be still some remaining bound to the product, even though it looks totally dry. It shouldn't really be a problem as the amounts will be small and acetone is not very toxic. I would recommend using food grade acetone, as some of the impurities in the lower grades can be high and will usually be reactants such as benzine and phenol.