overwintering How to move Hot Thai indoors for winter?

I bought a small hot thai pepper plant from Home Depot this past spring. I didnt expect it to live to what it is today. Its grown pretty big and is covered with peppers. I pick a handfull every week. I want to keep it growing, but with winter coming, I dont think it will make it through the cold. What is the best process to move this thai pepper plant in doors for the winter, and keep her alive and well? Right now, its planted in the ground, and in full sun.
.....Oh yeah!? I have Tobasco's coming up right now too! They are about 5" right now, and doing great. Should I get them ready for the winter, along with the Thai

Thanks for the help
Go out and just pull it up out of the ground and repot into some new potting soil. Water well and keep it indoors cool and out of the sun. Once the roots establish themselves you can give it some light. While keeping indoors for the winter it will loose all its leaves. Dont worry because its just going dormant for the winter. Water a cup full every week or so. Just enough to keep it alive but dont overwater or you will cause root rot. Just set it by a window that gets a few hours of sun. When spring starts to roll around it will put on a ton of new leaves and when the weather warms up you can put it back into the ground. Good luck!
You can as said, try to over-winter it, but you can also take cuttings, use rooting gel or powder, vermiculite, pearlite, rockwool, or other recommendations people may have, and clone yourself a few compact plants through the winter.