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how to pollinate inside?

so i've been reading up on this for awhile, but i wanted to make a post and ask how every one else does it? would like to know the most fool proof way lol :rolleyes:
Hello! You can simply rub your finger inside the flowers, one by one, so the pollen gets tranfered between them. Be careful and don't press too much!
You are going to get a million answers to this question. I've done a bit of research, and can tell you that between the research and my own experience, I've found that simply shaking the stems from time to time works just fine - if they're in pots, just bump the pot so that the whole plant shakes a tad. If you REALLY want the hassle and don't mind the time it takes to individually address each flower, go ahead and individually pollenate. I'd recommend using a soft brush or q-tip rather than your finger, though.

An electric toothbrush is required by some tomatoe plants, as they only accept pollenation when accompanied by "buzzing" at the same frequency as emitted by a certain type of bee. (Yes, it's actually only one bee type, and not all.) Peppers aren't that picky, but don't mind the toothbrush approach. Better to buzz it on then stem than directly on the flower, as it might cause damage to the flower.
you dont want the fan on all the time set it for oscillation and try that. i am lucky that i am growing outdoors and almost always have an afternoon breezze
yeah after doing some reading i belive they are self pollinating so i'm just gunna put a fan blowing over my hole closet for a day or two and see how it does

Thanks for the help guys!
The electric toothbrush works well in my greenhouse, but so do all the other options. I like the toothbrush because I can evaulate how much pollen is being produced easier.
Do you mean how to get the plant to self-pollinate, or do you mean how YOU can pollinate the plant..... :eek: