how to pollinate ?

VtPepper said:
i have to agree as well mine started producing much better when i helped. think of it this way, just cause there are male and female parts there thats kinda boring but give them a good shake or brushing and make them parts move and touch and your gonna have a happier pepper. and happier peppers should produce more.:lol:

So, you're saying your Indian name would be Diddles with Peppers?
well im just sayin if your ear itches and you just stick your finger in your ear you get nothin, move your finger around and you get a happy ear. being that the plant is more female than male its needs some tender touching to be happy and produce. some times you need to buy them really expensive things to get them in the mood, but that aside i have found that while inside they do benifit from a little diddling. so yes you can call me Diddles with Peppers